Gregor / Grzegorz JAKUBOWSKI-BARTHEL de WEYDENTHAL - Artist Painter - Restorer of Paintings - Heraldist -





GJ_Invalides_2019_Fb ZNiO_GJ_web

GJ_51_lat Bartosz_Beardsley Kasper_Beardsley

_ Crazy Grzegorz, a bit of his library & Beardsley __ Bartosz, "Le Capitaine Fracasse", Theophile Gautier; GJ.Art: "Ewa"; "Encyclopedie de l'Erotisme" & Beardsley __ Kasper & Beardsley : "Salome", Oscar Wilde

GJ HORSES_full GJ_katalog OK_Letter_Page_01a

GJ_Petrus_Christus_2020_Fb DKEBKJ_Dluga_1999
      ... Il savaient maintenant que s'il est une chose
      qu'on puisse DESIRER TOUJOURS et OBTENIR QUELQUEFOIS, c'est la tendresse humaine ...

      ... il pensait qu'il etait juste que, de temps en temps au moins, la joie vint recompenser
      ceux qui se suffisent de l'homme et de son pauvre et terrible amour ...

      - Albert Camus, "La Peste", nrf, Gallimard, 1947

      ... Teraz juz wiedzieli, ze jesli cos takiego w ogole istnieje,
      czego mozna by ZAWSZE PRAGNAC, a CZASEM tez OTRZYMAC, to jest to ludzka czulosc ...

      ... sadzil, ze to bylo sluszne, ze przynajmniej od czasu do czasu poczucie radosci
      nadchodzilo, aby wynagradzac tych, ktorym wystarczy bliskosc drugiego czlowieka,
      z jego skromna, a straszna Miloscia ...

      - Albert Camus, "La Peste", nrf, Gallimard, 1947

Jakubowscy+EM_dom_Dluga Mama+EM

    - Tadeusz Zdzislaw JAKUBOWSKI pplk dypl
    Tadeusz Zdzislaw JAKUBOWSKI pplk dypl
    GJ ----- Jan Maria BARTHEL de WEYDENTHAL
    Jan Barthel de Weydenthal


                          " Le son et le silence creent l'harmonie, l'AVANT et APRES se suivent.
                          Le TOUT et le RIEN ont le meme visage "

                          - Lao-Tseu

                          " Dzwiek i cisza tworza harmonie, PRZED oraz PO nastepuja po sobie.
                          WSZYSTKO i NIC maja ta sama twarz "

                          - Lao-Tse


                          ... L'ancien se reunit avec le nouveau.
                          L'avenir artistique adviendra des experiences, et aussi des choses vecues, qui ne valent pas la peine d'etre effacees ...

                          ... Stare laczy sie z nowym.
                          Artystyczne jutro wyniknie z doswiadczen, oraz z przezyc, ktorych nie warto wymazywac ...


      " IMPERTYNENCJA " - /PL/

      ... Artysta malarz, heraldyk, konserwator malarstwa, krytyk sztuki,
      autor wystaw, prawie-historyk,
      pelen ciekawosci i pasji, zawsze poszukujacy ...

      Od 1981 mieszka on na "Zachodzie" : w Paryzu, we Francji, tez w USA.
      Podczas gdy ... w swoim rodzinnym Krakowie mial zostac architektem,
      specjalista od konserwacji zabytkow na Wydziale Architektury Politechniki Krakowskiej.

      Ale, jakoby, nic nie jest nigdy po nic ! ?
      Fakt emigracji, pozostawienie poza soba tak wielu spraw i rzeczy - otwiera horyzonty.

      Mowia, ze przeszkody, przeciwienstwa i wrogosci pozwalaja sie wzmocnic,
      widziec rzeczy takimi, jakimi sa naprawde.

      Dla artysty, jego osobiste przezycia i jego emocje - pozywiaja jego kreatywnosc
      - roznorodnymi zrodlami inspiracji ...


      Impertinence_Oleron_2019 "IMPERTINENCE"

      ... Il est artiste peintre, heraldiste, restaurateur de tableaux, critique d'art,
      commissaire des expositions, presque historien,
      un curieux et passionne, toujours a la recherche des choses, ...

      Depuis 1981 il vit a l'Occident, a Paris, en France, aux Etats-Unis.
      Alors que dans sa Cracovie natale en Pologne ...
      ... il a failli etre architecte de monuments historiques.

      Mais rien n'est perdu !
      Le fait d'emigrer, de laisser derriere des choses, des affaires importantes
      - ouvre les horizons.

      L'on dit que des revers, des obstacles et des adversites font grandir,
      permettent de voir les choses clair.

      Pour un artiste, son vecu et ses emotions,
      font puiser des inspirations diverses pour sa creation ...

    - Exposition: "REGARDS CROISES sur la GUERRE, Emeric Lhuisset", Chateau de Saumur, 10.07.2020 - 27.09.2020

    Saumur_Regards_Croises_2020a Saumur_Regards_Croises_2020b Zlote_Mysli_2002_d
    Saumur_Regards_Croises_2020d Saumur_Regards_Croises_2020c Saumur_Regards_Croises_2020e


    - Exposition: "ART & MOTEUR: Le MOTEUR et la MARINE", Musee du Moteur, Saumur, 28.06.2021 - 19.09.2021

    GJ.Art wystawia w 2021 6 obrazow: "CONFLUENCES: m/s BATORY", "Automobiles 1 & 2", "Auburn", "Mercedes Benz", "Red"

    Moteur&Marine_2021_5 Moteur&Marine_2021_8 Moteur&Marine_2021_2 Moteur&Marine_2021_10


    Plus de 300 moteurs exposes dont deux de Formule 1

    Gregor Jakubowski est un autre artiste a rencontrer. Une de ses oeuvres frappe l'esprit par sa singularite et sa complexite.
    Presentee comme une icone, elle associe des collages (de blasons) mais aussi de la peinture acrylique et vinylique.
    L'artiste franco-polonais a aussi utilise le couteau, le platre ou le sable pour donner du relief a une salle des machines qui vit.
    Cette oeuvre evoque son histoire personnelle et celle de deux navires polonais qui ont accueilli des croisieristes,
    des emigres vers les USA mais aussi des soldats.
    Au dela de ses oeuvres, le musee du moteur, anime par des benevoles, expose plus de 300 moteurs dont deux de Formule 1.

    Le Courrier de l'Ouest, le 6 juillet 2021

    Moteur&Marine_2021_1 Moteur&Marine_2021_7
    Moteur&Marine_2021_4 Moteur&Marine_2021_3


    ... " The best laid schemes o'mice an'men / Gang aft a-Glay "

    Moteur&Marine_2022_GJ GJ_A&M-2022 invitation_A&M-2022

      - Exposition: "Des Moteurs et des Hommes", Musee du Moteur, SAUMUR, 2022 / " Motory i Ludzie "

      " Of Mice and Men " / " Myszy i Ludzie" / "Des Souris et des Hommes "

      GJ.Art exhibits in 2022 the big size painting & installation : " The MACHINE DEMANDS a SACRIFICE "

      & the painting / montage : "CONFLUENCES: m/s BATORY "

    GJ_A&M-2022_ GJ_A&M-2022_, GJ_A&M-2022_,,,

        ... " Les meilleurs plans des SOURIS et des HOMMES vont souvent de travers "

        ... " Najlepiej ulozone plany MYSZY i LUDZI,
        moga sie nie udac,
        i nie pozostawic nam nic poza smutkiem i bolem,
        za obiecana radosc ! "

    - Exposition: "Les Peintres de MONTREUIL-BELLAY", Les NOBIS,1.08.2021

    GJ.Art wystawia 6 obrazow: "APOTROPAIQUES -Centauresse", "Du Guesclin","En Marche", "Saint-Georges", "Saint-Martin", "Porte Oriflamme"

    Montreuil-Bellay_2021 Montreuil-Bellay_2021_

    - Exposition: "Toutes Toiles Dehors", Rosiers-sur-Loire, ", VII-VIII.2021

    GJ. Art namalowal obraz: "APOTROPAIQUES IV - INFANTA", wariant inspirowanej Secesja jego adwnej techniki mieszanej: "Infanta"

    GJ. Art has painted the "APOTROPAIQUES IV - INFANTA", variation of his own Art Nouveau / Secession inspired old mixed-media technique work: "Infanta"


    INFANTA_2021_ Knight_1

    Pogromczyni 20210627_183754, 20210628_071759,

    Loire_2021_DSC06731 20210824_kayak_Apotropaiques,




    Tad_Legionisci_Polscy_Pilsudski_2 GJ_FAMILY ROOTS

    Jan_Danuta_BdeW 2019_Jozef Nowakowski_J+M 2019_Jozef Nowakowski_J+P

    ... Jan Barthel de Weydenthal i jego corka, Danuta


          ... cykl filmow dokumentalnych TV3 Bydgoszcz, autor Marcin Tomaszewski


    Jerzy_PrzechDoH Przemyslaw_ATH

GJ_Fb_AK_Krakow_2020,, GJ_Fb_AK_Krakow_2020, GJ_Fb_AK_Krakow_2020

GJ_D&KJ_Muz_AK_1 GJ_D&KJ_Muz_AK_3

GJ_D&KJ_Muz_AK_2 GJ_D&KJ_Muz_AK_1a

GJ_D&KJ_Muz_AK_4 Orzel Bialy, Wystawa: -Orly Nasze-, Biblioteka Jagiellonska, Krakow, 1995

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GJ_D&KJ_Muz_AK_14 GJ_D&KJ_Muz_AK_15



    Memoire_d_Avenir_2 GJ_Topor-Starza.jpg Memoire_d_Avenir_2_OLD


    PAINTINGS by Gregor Jakubowski (download the pdf files)

    GJ. ART 2023 ... 2022 ... 2021 ... 2019 ... 2011 ... 2010 ... 2001 ... & ... 1981 /1980 ...


    ... " He is Romantic ! ... " " ...To follow the Dream, and again to follow the Dream - and so - ewig - Usque Ad Finem ... " Joseph Conrad

        Exposition Ewa MASLOWSKA & Gregor JAKUBOWSKI; Eglise de TREVES,
        Journees de Patrimoine: 18-19 September 2010

      Eglise de Treves, Ewa Maslowska & Gregor Jakubowski, IX 2010

      Ewa MASLOWSKA & Gregor JAKUBOWSKI, Eglise de TREVES, Anjou, Loire
      Journees de Patrimoine, 17-18.IX.2011
      Village des Metiers d'Art, TURQUANT, Anjou, Loire, 27.VII-16.IX.2011

      Ewa Maslowska & Gregor Jakubowski, Village des Metiers d'Art, TURQUANT, Anjou, 27.VII-16.IX.2011 Musee Gustave Pimienta, La Colombiere, Institut de France, Eglise de Treves, Anjou, Journees de Patrimoine, 17-18.IX.2011

      GJ_Invalides_Paris GJ_Sabres_EM GJ_Invalides1

      GJ_Invalides2 GJ_Invalides_Paris_DELPAT GJ_Sabres_Launay

          You are the dream of all your ancestors

            GJ_WKKU_Krakow_Blonia_1980 WKKU

              Tak zwane "Czarne Owce" w rodzinie to sa w rzeczywistosci poszukiwacze drog wyzwolenia dla ich drzewa genealogicznego.

              Czlonkowie tegoz drzewa, ktorzy nie dostosowuja sie do zasad lub do tradycji systemu rodzinnego,

              ktorzy stale poszukuja jak zrewolucjonizowac ustalone przekonania, odstepuja od drog wyznaczonych tradycjami rodzinnymi,

              sa krytykowani, osadzani, a nawet odrzucani,

              a to oni wlasnie zostali na ogol wezwani do tego by wyzwolic wlasne drzewo od powtarzajacych sie w danej rodzinie roznych wydarzen,

              ktore frustrowaly cale pokolenia.

              "Czarne owce", to ci, ktorzy sie nie adaptuja, ci ktorzy wykrzykuja swoja rewolte - to oni wlasnie naprawiaja, detoksykuja,
              to oni tworza nowa, kwitnaca galaz ...
              ... z niezliczonych niespelnionych pragnien, niespelnionych marzen, ze sfrustrowanych talentow naszych przodkow,
              przejawiajacych sie w ich buncie, pragnacym jakos znalezc forme wyrazu.

              Drzewo genealogiczne, przez swoja bezwladnosc, bedzie chcialo nadal utrzymywac kastracyjny i toksyczny przebieg swojego pnia,
              co sprawia, ze zadanie to jest trudne i prowadzace do konfliktow ...
              ... niech jednak nikt nie wzbudzi w Tobie watpliwosci, dbaj o swoja "wyjatkowosc" jako o najcenniejszy kwiat na Twoim Drzewie.

              Jestes marzeniem wszystkich swoich przodkow

                  ~ Bert Hellinger

        GJ HORSES white_Page_16 WKKU_2008-01-21

                The So-called 'Black Sheep' of the family are, in fact, seekers of liberation roads for the family tree.
                Those members of the tree who do not adapt to the rules or traditions of the family system,
                those who were constantly seeking to revolutionize beliefs,
                going in contrast to roads marked by family traditions, those criticized, tried and even rejected, those, by General,

                they are called to release the tree of repetitive stories that frustrate entire generations.

                The 'Black Sheep', those who do not adapt, those who scream rebel, repair, detoxify and create a new and blooming branch...
                ... countless unfulfilled desires, unfulfilled dreams, frustrated talents of our ancestors manifest themselves in their rebellion looking to take place .

                The family tree, by inertia, will want to continue to maintain the castrating and toxic course of its trunk, which makes its task difficult and conflicting ...
                ... that no one makes you doubt, take care of your 'rarity' as the most precious flower of Your Tree.

                You are the dream of all your ancestors

        BPP_ GJ_mansarda BPP_GJ_atelier_mansarde Gj_Fb_Dost_2020


      P dom 1

    GJ ARTICLES : The Anjou Dynasty in the Fontevraud Abbey GJ ARTICLES : The Anjou Dynasty in the Fontevraud Abbey CATALOGUE : The Anjou Dynasty in the Fontevraud Abbey Gregor Jakubowski Des dragons et des hommes, 2004

    1919 - the Polish Patriotic & Political SATIRIC Story -
    art: Cpt. Kamil Mackiewicz - "SZCZUTEK" - Lviv

    Przygody Szalonego Grzesia, 1919 Grzegorz (Gregor) JAKUBOWSKI-BARTHEL de WEYDENTHAL

    He is born in CRACOW, POLAND
    Studies : - the High School Bartlomiej Nowodworski I LO Liceum in Cracow
    - the Pedagogical University WSP Komisja Edukacji Narodowej in Cracow (1975-1976)
    - the CRACOW POLYTECHNIC Tadeusz Kosciuszko PK, ARCHITECTURE DEPARTMENT (1976-1981)
    - ( at first he was not admitted, with the admission concours, for lack of common people background
    or apparteneance of his parents to the unique Party PZPR )

    - boy-scout Baden-Powell, ZHP formation 24 KDH "Harnasie" Jan Kasprowicz in Cracow
    - sea boy-Scout ZHP in the 7 KWDH comm. Mamert Stankiewicz in Cracow.
    Certificats: lifeguard WOPR & Yacht's helmsman PZZ
    - individual & group winner at the "Spartakiade (sea scouts) ZHP of southern Poland" in 1973 in Cracow
    Horse-riding: AKJ-PK club, swimming: AZS-WSP club, trekking & ski ; PTTK clubs, etc
    Bibliophil: Fine Arts, grands novels & history. Jazz, blues, rock, classical music, etc. Film club DKF ...

    In 1981 he quits his native country hitch-hiking , and after crossing Western Europe - stops in PARIS
    during 8 years he was a Refugee in FRANCE of the OFPRA (1982-1989)
    He becomes a French CITIZEN in 1988, and obtains a French citizenship also for his wife, Ewa Bobrowska-Jakubowski
    - studies & ART diploma DSAP at the Ecole Nationale Superieure des BEAUX-ARTS ENSBA in PARIS (1982-1988)
    - Restorer of Paintings - apprenticeship at the ATELIERS SAINT-GERVAIS, PARIS (1982-1987)


    Universum Il est ne a CRACOVIE en POLOGNE
    Il a etudie au Lycee Bartlomiej Nowodworski a Cracovie
    - a l'Ecole Normale Superieure WSP Komisja Edukacji Narodowej a Cracovie (1975-1976)
    - a la Polytechnique de Cracovie Tadeusz Kosciuszko PK, Faculte d'ARCHITECTURE (1976-1981)
    - ( au debuton admis malgre la passage de concours d'entree, par manque des racines populaires
    dans la Pologne communiste, ni d'appartenence de ses parents a la Parti communiste unique )

    - boy-scout Baden-Powell, ZHP la formation 24 KDH "Harnasie" Jan Kasprowicz a Cracovie
    - scout-marin ZHP a la 7 KWDH comm. Mamert Stankiewicz a Cracovie. Brevets sauveteur WOPR
    & navigateur voilier sur mer PZZ
    - gagnant individuel et de groupe a la "Spartakiade ZHP (voile) de la Pologne du Sud", en 1973 a Cracovie
    Equitation: club AKJ-PK, natation: club AZS-WSP, tourisme & ski clubs& PTTK, etc
    Bibliophile: arts plastiques, grands romans & histoire. Jazz, rock, blues, folk, musique classique, etc.; Club de cinema DKF ...

    En 1981 il a quitte en auto-stop son pays natal, et apres avoir traverse l'Europe Occidentale - il s'est installe a PARIS
    pendant 8 ans il est Refugie en FRANCE de l'OFPRA ( 1982-1989 )
    il obtient la Naturalisation Francaise en 1988, pour lui et pour sa femme, Ewa Bobrowska-Jakubowski
    - etudes & diplome d'ART DSAP a l'Ecole Nationale Superieure des BEAUX-ARTS ENSBA de PARIS (1982-1988)
    - apprentissage aux ATELIERS SAINT-GERVAIS a PARIS, en Restauration de tableaux (1982-1987)

zagle_ZHP_7KWDH zagle_ZHP_7KWDH_bluza pod_zaglem GJ_zagle

GJ_Guernesey Harnasie_24_KDH

GJ_konik_3b GJ_Batalha

            " Nie ma doprawdy juz granic KLAMSTWA --
            Nie ma doprawdy juz granic OBLUDY --
            Nie ma doprawdy juz granic CHAMSTWA,

            PRZESTANMY mierzyc sie na mysli szpady --
            BRAC ICH POWAZNIE byloby grzechem --
            ODPOWIADAJMY na fanfaronady

              - Haslo, "KRET", maj 1941

              w: SATYRA w KONSPIRACJI, 1939 - 1944, WMON, Warszawa 1958

              " ... Niestrudzonej Instruktorce pani Aldonie Jakubowskiej - wdzieczne "Maluchy"

              - Zawoja, 25 marca 1959 ... "

    Loire - Boze Narodzenie 2018 Boze_Narodzenie_2018_email

      Bauge, 2014 other Gregor Jakubowski, Dans la Cour du Roi Rene, Manoir de Launay, 2013

                ... Is there any real ETHOS ?

                - Patriotic, social, cultural or just human ?

                - Is there any intellectual HONESTY, or any gratitude ?

                - Is there any real FRIENDSHIP ? Artistic or another ?

                - Is there any real, durable FAMILY attachment ?

                - Is there any true, uninterested LOVE ?

                Or, it is just all about cheating, treachery, VANITY and SELFISHNESS ?

                ... These all are my own, inquisitive QUESTIONS ...

                - But, ART will prevail anyway ! Ars Longa Vita Brevis ...

      HOME ACTUALITY KJ Pychowice_28_IV_2003 Ermitage-Saint-Jean_12.07.2011 / Ermitage Saint-Jean, Loire, 12.07.2011 /

                - En construisant mes pages internet, je me suis essentiellement concentre sur mon propre HISTOIRE, mes QUETES, mes EXPERIENCES

                - Sur l'EMIGRATION, mon ABSENCE de 40 ans de ma POLOGNE natale, sur mes ACQUIS et mes diverses ENGAGEMENTS

                - Sur la fondation de ma FAMILLE a PARIS, sur mon ACTIVITE artistique et dans la diaspora polonaise et,
                plus tard - sur mon SEJOUR de quelques annees a CRACOVIE

                - Sejour, qui m'a permit de sauver de l'OUBLI, et de la DESTRUCTION, d'une partie de ma MEMOIRE familiale ...
                ... MEMOIRE de mon PERE, l'ONCLE PATERNEL et mes GRANDS-PARENTS, ...

                - Aussi, je me suis concentre sur les importantes INFLUENCES sur ma personne


                - Les influences qui ont fait ce que JE SUIS ... et aussi qui ont permis ce qui va RESTER de moi ...


      GJ_atelier Bonaparte Valckenborch GJ_atelier Bonaparte AKJ


          From the Archives of TADEUSZ JAKUBOWSK i ALDONA born Zajicek, anf their sons KAROL & ZDZISLAW, saved from destruction in Cracow

    • Karol_Grzegorz_2012_Art Niepolomice_2000

      ____ paintings 2012 at home in Cracow .... ___________________________________________________________________________ Niepolomice Royal Castle

      Karol_Grzegorz_Dluga_2012 Karol_Grzegorz_Dluga_2012

  • GJ. RESTAURATION de TABLEAUX GJ. ART RESTORATION Grzegorz Jakubowski - Topor - Starza GJ. HERALDRY Grzegorz Jakubowski ART GJ. FAMILY ROOTS




    - GJ. Art GALLERY - GJ. catalog EQUUS Art -

    - GJ. Art ACTUALITY - GJ. catalog PAINTINGS -

    Pulawy Pieskowa_Skala


    DKMGMBJ powrot z Krakowa do Paryza

      26 Doroczna Sesja Stalej Konferencji Polskich Bibliotek, Archiwow i Muzeow na Zachodzie - / STALA KONFERENCJA (MABPZ) /
      BIBLIOTEKA JAGIELLONSKA w Krakowie, wrzesien 2004
      - WYSTAWA PANELOWA towarzyszaca Sesji wystawa o dzialalnosci polonijnej i o ekspozycjach sztuki Grzegorza JAKUBOWSKIEGO

      - / Eng. panel exhibition about organising and artistic activity of Gregor JAKUBOWSKI

    Conference Permanente des Musees, Archives et Bibliotheques Polonaises a l'Occident Conference Permanente des Musees, Archives et Bibliotheques Polonaises a l'Occident

    Conference Permanente des Musees, Archives et Bibliotheques Polonaises a l'Occident Conference Permanente des Musees, Archives et Bibliotheques Polonaises a l'Occident Conference Permanente des Musees, Archives et Bibliotheques Polonaises a l'Occident

    Conference Permanente des Musees, Archives et Bibliotheques Polonaises a l'Occident Orzel Bialy, Wystawa: -Orly Nasze-, Biblioteka Jagiellonska, Krakow, 1995 Orzel Bialy, Wystawa: -Orly Nasze-, Biblioteka Jagiellonska, Krakow, 1995

    "ORZEL BIALY - 700 lat - ORLY NASZE" - Wystawa Biblioteka Jagiellonska / Polskie Towarzystwo Heraldyczne, KRAKOW, 1995

    ________ "ARS HERALDICA", Dom Polonii, Wspolnota Polska, KRAKOW, 1995




        un tract de la SOLIDARNOSC
        NZS PK NZS PK NZS PK En POLOGNE, entre 1980 et 1981, Gregor JAKUBOWSKI entre dans la SOLIDARNOSC des Etudiants / NZS
        - Politechnika Krakowska PK, Departement d'ARCHITECTURE, CRACOVIE

        czlonek NZS Niezaleznego Zrzeszenia Studentow, Wydzial ARCHITEKTURY, Politechnika Krakowska, 1980-1981

        GJ Muzeum Polskie - Polenmuseum, Rapperswil
        Gregor JAKUBOWSKI representait en France le MUSEE POLONAIS de RAPPERSWIL en Suisse, a partir de 1988

        - byl przedstawicielem we Francji MUZEUM POLSKIEGO w RAPPERSWILU w Szwajcarii od 1988

    Gregor Jakubowski: Composition Heraldique: DRAGONS, mixed media, 1995

    Pedigree 1995 - 2014

    GJ.Art - " Composition Heraldique : DRAGONS " - mixed media

    - DRAGONS & BETES HUMAINES / DRAGONS & HUMAN BEASTS (or Human Jerks) / SMOKI & LUDZKIE BESTIE (albo Ludzkie Glupki )

    - Paris - Cracow - Warsaw - Torun, PL - Wroclaw, PL - Pultusk, PL - New York, Manhattan -

    - New York, Brooklyn - Philadelphia, PA - Washington, DC - Clark, NJ - Freehold, NJ -

    - Los Angeles, CA - Rosny-sous-Bois, Fr - Copenhagen - Lavaur, Fr -

    - Villebernier, Fr - Manoir de Launay -

    Dragons, huile, Angers

    Dragons pedigree_1 Dragons pedigree_2 Dragons pedigree_3 Dragons pedigree_4

    Van Haardt Saint-Auvent_Chateau,1997

    GJ_Aigle_Blanc_&_Lion Bauge Gregor Jakubowski, Langeais Fr Chappelle Saint-Jean, 2000

    - Saumur - Langeais - Brissac - Paris - New York - Ars -

    - Krakow - Warszawa- Los Angeles - Herouville -

    - Saint-Die-des-Vosges - Gdansk - Tarbes - Nohant -

    - Niepolomice - Nurnberg - Boston - Rapperswil -

    • Palac Eskenow, Muzeum Okregowe, TORUN Palac Eskenow, Muzeum Okregowe, TORUN Palac Eskenow, Muzeum Okregowe, TORUN

      Palac Eskenow, Muzeum Okregowe, TORUN Palac Eskenow, Muzeum Okregowe, TORUN

      Palac Eskenow, Muzeum Okregowe, TORUN

      Palac Eskenow, Muzeum Okregowe, TORUN Palac Eskenow, Muzeum Okregowe, TORUN Palac Eskenow, Muzeum Okregowe, TORUN

        " From a Bestiary and From an Armorial ", Dom Eskenow, Muzeum Okregowe, TORUN

      Marly-Le-Roi, Lycee Louis de Broglie Marly-Le-Roi, Lycee Louis de Broglie

        Lycee Louis de Broglie, MARLY-LE-ROI _______________ Cheval de Marly - Rencontre II, oil/canvas, 150 x 300 cm

    the Exhibition was prepared in 1989 together with Zofia ZDZIECHOWSKA - for the COLLECTIONS ARTISTIQUES of the SHLP / THL /
    - / THL - Towarzystwo-Historyczno-Literackie SHLP - Societe Historique et Litteraire Polonaise /

    Gregor JAKUBOWSKI did general arrangement and framework, participated in the organisation, etc

  • This year, in 1989, he could return to his native POLAND for the first time after 8 years of the polytical asylum
    on a Polish Visa in the French passeport


    - Gregor Jakubowski has obtained the French Citizenship in 1988,
    thus permitting his wife, Ewa Bobrowska-Jakubowski not to be expulsed from France to Poland ...

    In 1989 He also took part in the electoral commission of the FIRST FREE POLISH ELECTIONS after the WW II
    - in the Consulate General of POLAND in PARIS

    "MUZEALNICTWO" Nr 40, 1998, Ministerstwo Kultury i Sztuki, WARSZAWA
    "Kilka uwag na temat promocji polskiej sztuki we Francji. Na marginesie 10-letniej dzialalnosci kulturalnej"
    - XIX Sesja Stalej Konferencji Polskich Muzeow, Archiwow i Bibliotek na Zachodzie, zamek Montresor, 1997

    "Quelques remarques sur la promotion de l'art polonais en France dans la perspective de dix ans d'experiences"
    - XIX Conference Permanente des Musees, Archives et Bibliotheques Polonaises a l'Occident, chateau de Montresor

              Universum " Nie ma doprawdy juz granic KLAMSTWA --
              Nie ma doprawdy juz granic OBLUDY --
              Nie ma doprawdy juz granic CHAMSTWA,

              PRZESTANMY mierzyc sie na mysli szpady --
              BRAC ICH POWAZNIE byloby grzechem --
              ODPOWIADAJMY na fanfaronady
              DRWINAMI, KPINAMI i SMIECHEM ! "

                Haslo, "KRET", maj 1941

                w: SATYRA w KONSPIRACJI, 1939 - 1944, WMON, Warszawa 1958

                " ... Niestrudzonej Instruktorce pani Aldonie Jakubowskiej - wdzieczne "Maluchy"

                - Zawoja, 25 marca 1959 ... "

      Loire - Boze Narodzenie 2018 Boze_Narodzenie_2018_email

            GJ.  Art METAMORPHOSES

            Gregor JAKUBOWSKI & NAPOLEON, Armorial Premier Empire, 2008

                            Fyodor M. DOSTOYEVSKY

                            " Notwithstanding all the losses and privations I have undergone, I passionately love life,
                            I love life for life, and, in truth, it's as if right now I was, each instant, going to begin my life ...

                            ... and I still cannot absolutely discern whether I am approaching the end of my life
                            or whether I am on the verge of starting it -

                          • here is the fundamental mark of my caracter,

                          • and also, perhaps, of reality ? " ...

      Pegasus Mazeppa_Teofil_BdeW Schedel, Phenix

      GJ. Art - PEGASUS ______________________________ Art. Teofil Barthel de Weydenthal - MAZEPPA wg Horace Vernet & S.W. Reynolds / James G.S. Lucas ______________ FENIX - Die Schedelsche Weltchronik

        Marly-Le-Roi, Lycee Louis de Broglie

          Lycee Louis de Broglie, MARLY-LE-ROI _______________ Cheval de Marly - Rencontre II, oil/canvas, 150 x 300 cm

          En Route_ Charge En Route, a

                Kreska nerwowa, rytmiczna...
              • Do boju budza sie choragwie europejskiej historii.

              • W odpowiedzi ukazuje sie Jutro.
              • Pelne splatanych ze soba mozliwosci, nieczytelne, bielejace cialem, ktore pragnie byc i to byc pieknym,

              • jakby Przeszlosc, we wszystkich swych pioropuszach i ostrogach,
                byla li tylko pelnym niespelnialnych nadziei i przysiag kochankiem - oby! oby! -

                - kochankiem skromnej, niepewnej siebie Przyszlosci ...

                * Jacek Gulla, " Bestie herbowe i ludzkie - Grzegorz Jakubowski " , NOWY DZIENNIK, NEW YORK
      Cavaliers, ink GJ_St_Christophe_Arlberg_styl

      BEAUX-ARTS, mixed media, 65x50 cm Gregor JAKUBOWSKI on BEAUX-ARTS, PARIS GJ. ART Luneville

              Les peintures de Gregor JAKUBOWSKI font l'effet d'etre porteuses, en elles-memes, au sein de leur matiere,
              d'une puissante lumiere qui irradie l'amateur d'art.
            • C'est comme une lumiere tour a tour intense, sourde, qui decoupe subtilement le sujet, qui incise les plans et finit par donner au tableau une allure spectacle.

              D'ou vient cet effet ?
            • Essentiellement du cerveau de l'artiste, esprit inonde de culture, mettant toujours en scene ses sujets sous le projecteur de l'histoire.

            • II fait partie integrante des artistes libres qui derriere "le rideau de fer" ont fait tomber le mur froid du "realisme nihiliste ",
            • ils ont fait de la beaute un engagement politique et esthetique.

            • Gregor Jakubowski est un artiste international mais il reste le grand vecteur de la culture polonaise, melange savant d'influences latines et slaves,
              de puissance germanique ou d'impression delicatement francaise.

            • Gregor est resolument contemporain sachant partir d'un sujet precis qui necessite une construction et un dessin solide.
            • Il va minutieusement accrocher a cette ossature des couches sedimentaires de matiere et de pigments pour noyer un pretexte dans la vraie liberte d'un expressionnisme informel.
              La matiere reprend sa liberte, elle deborde, envahit, s'accroche jusqu'a fondre le reel en un reve.

            • Ainsi obtient t'on ses formes etherees, mais quoi de plus beau qu'un reve de cheval ou de femme ?

          P dom 5

              mes LIVRES, l'ART, mes AMOURS ...

      Badkowo 11.2013 Badkowo 11.2013 Badkowo 11.2013 Badkowo 11.2013

      Husaria, Suisse Husaria, Paris GJ_Bataille Ulan Chantilly

      Badkowo 11.2013 Badkowo 11.2013 Badkowo 11.2013 Badkowo 11.2013

              Universum " Nie ma doprawdy juz granic KLAMSTWA --
              Nie ma doprawdy juz granic OBLUDY --
              Nie ma doprawdy juz granic CHAMSTWA,

              PRZESTANMY mierzyc sie na mysli szpady --
              BRAC ICH POWAZNIE byloby grzechem --
              ODPOWIADAJMY na fanfaronady
              DRWINAMI, KPINAMI i SMIECHEM ! "

                Haslo, "KRET", maj 1941

                w: SATYRA w KONSPIRACJI, 1939 - 1944, WMON, Warszawa 1958

                " ... Niestrudzonej Instruktorce pani Aldonie Jakubowskiej - wdzieczne "Maluchy"

                - Zawoja, 25 marca 1959 ... "

      Loire - Boze Narodzenie 2018 Boze_Narodzenie_2018_email

    SARP - PALAC ZAMOYSKI, WARSAW, 1989 EM + GJ_C'est Tout & Regards P dom 2

      Orzel Bialy, 1995 Orzel Bialy, 1995 Orzel Bialy, Wystawa: -Orly Nasze-, Biblioteka Jagiellonska, Krakow, 1995 Dame de Lavaur, 2011

      "ORZEL BIALY - 700 lat - ORLY NASZE" - Wystawa Biblioteka Jagiellonska / Polskie Towarzystwo Heraldyczne, KRAKOW, 1995 ________ "ARS HERALDICA", Dom Polonii, Wspolnota Polska, KRAKOW, 1995

              Wybitny tworca, absolwent paryskiej
              Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts, Grzegorz Jakubowski-Barthel de Weydenthal
              heraldyka interesuje sie od lat.

            • W swych poszukiwaniach artystycznych z zamilowaniem siega do skarbca sredniowiecznej sztuki heraldycznej.

            • W duzych, barwnych kompozycjach chetnie wprowadza zamglone wizerunki herbow,
              nawiazujace jednak do klasycznych, odleglych czasowo wzorow.
            • Wsrod jego prac znajduja sie rowniez historyczne wizerunki herbow oraz projekty plakiet heraldycznych i ekslibrisow, a nawet herbow biskupich ...

      GJ_Saint-Vincent_Bauge Chapelle Saint-Jean, Saumur, 2000 GJ_Theleme_Bauge

    GJ_Philippe_Lamarque_College_Stanislas) GJ: Abbaye de PASSY, Musee du VIN, PARIS oil painting, 450 x 320 cm (177'' x 126'') Paravents de Daniel Couturier, Barbizon 2008 Paravents de Daniel Couturier, Barbizon 2008

    - GJ. & Philippe Lamarque __________ GJ. Art. Musee du VIN, PARIS ______________ Alexandre Fedorkov - ART HERALDIQUE __________ Daniel Couturier & GJ. -

        to be published in KRAKOW, POLAND - Wydawnictwo WAM, "HERBY. Jezyk Znakow, Jezyk Obrazow" by Grzegorz Jakubowski :


        / both delayed or cancelled /

        HERBY. Jezyk Znakow, Jezyk Obrazow - Grzegorz Jakubowski - okladka

        Topor-Starza_ b arms of Gregor Jakubowski HERBY. Jezyk Znakow, Jezyk Obrazow - Grzegorz Jakubowski

        Topor-Starza arms of Gregor Jakubowski HERBY. Jezyk Znakow, Jezyk Obrazow - Grzegorz Jakubowski - Mistrzowie

        arbre - Du Guesclin Dragons_et_betes_humaines

        ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DRAGONS Heraldiques --pedigree 1995 - 2014

        HERBY. Jezyk Znakow, Jezyk Obrazow - GrzegorzJakubowski - Blazonowanie

        arbre - Pencz

        Grzegorz Jakubowski Topor _ vert

        VOYAGE DANS L'HERALDIQUE par Philippe LAMARQUE, Editions COPRUR , STRASBOURG 2013, heraldic & symbolic iconography, coats of arms by Gregor Jakubowski - Frontispis GJ. Art + Philippe Lamarque

        VOYAGE DANS L'HERALDIQUE par Philippe LAMARQUE, Editions COPRUR , STRASBOURG 2013, heraldic & symbolic iconography, coats of arms by Gregor Jakubowski _ Le Style GJ. Art + Philippe Lamarque

        GJ. Art + Philippe Lamarque GJ. Art + Philippe Lamarque

        Grzegorz Jakubowski. Genealogie Grzegorz Jakubowski Topor _ vert GJ_wanted

          Auteur de l'Iconographie SYMBOLIQUE et HERALDIQUE : Gregor JAKUBOWSKI-BARTHEL de WEYDENTHAL

          " L'ART du BLASON. Precis de Science Heraldique " - par Philippe LAMARQUE, auteur de texte

          VIOLATION DROIT D'AUTEUR Copyright - Pogwalcenie Praw Autorskich

          - RESPONSABLES ABUS DROITS D'AUTEUR: Bernard SADOUN - le Credit Mutuel, Strasbourg + Philippe LAMARQUE, Paris

          - Editions Du QUOTIDIEN / Le LIVRE Chez VOUS / Editions COPRUR, STRASBOURG, 2012 - 2015 - 2017l

          _ArtBlason_GJ.ART_p;22-23_Herauts _ArtBlason_GJ.ART_36. p.118-119_Chapeliers, charcutiers et charrons

          - pages 22 - 23 / pages 118 - 119 - Editions Du QUOTIDIEN / Le LIVRE Chez VOUS / Editions COPRUR, STRASBOURG, 2012 - 2015 - 2017

          _ArtBlason_GJ.ART_p.36-37_6. Bouclier Symbolique _ArtBlason_GJ.ART_p.142-143_47. L'oriflamme

          - pages 36 - 37 / pages 142 - 143 - Editions Du QUOTIDIEN / Le LIVRE Chez VOUS / Editions COPRUR, STRASBOURG, 2012 - 2015 - 2017

          ArtBlason_GJ.ART_page98-99_14. Premier Empire ArtBlason_GJ.ART_p.151-152

          - pages 98 - 99 / pages 151 - 152 - Editions Du QUOTIDIEN / Le LIVRE Chez VOUS / Editions COPRUR, STRASBOURG, 2012 - 2015 - 2017

          _ArtBlason_GJ.ART_icono_DVDa _ArtBlason_GJ.ART_icono_DVDb

          GJ. ART : - planches contact GJ. ART : SYMBOLIC & HERALDIC ICONOGRAPHY - " l'ART du BLASON. Precis de Science Heraldique "

          - Editions du Quotidien / Le Livre Chez Vous / Editions COPRUR, STRASBOURG, 2012 - 2015 - 2017

          herald_Book_7 herald_Book_5

            _ArtBlason_GJ.ART_p.84-85_30. Papes et Eclesiastique _ArtBlason_GJ.ART_p.140-141_46. Pavillons et marques de la Marine nationale

          - pages 84 - 85 / pages 140 - 141 - Editions Du QUOTIDIEN / Le LIVRE Chez VOUS / Editions COPRUR, STRASBOURG, 2012 - 2015 - 2017

          _ArtBlason_GJ.ART_ p.58-5917. Fleur de Lys  _ArtBlason_GJ.ART_p.58-59_33. Royaumes EU

          - pages 58 - 59 / pages 108 - 109 - Editions Du QUOTIDIEN / Le LIVRE Chez VOUS / Editions COPRUR, STRASBOURG, 2012 - 2015 - 2017

          _ArtBlason_GJ.ART_p.94-95_28. Jeanne d'Arc _ArtBlason_GJ.ARTp.120-121_37_Chirurgiens-barbiers,couturieres_drapiers

          - pages 94 - 95 / pages 120 - 121 - Editions Du QUOTIDIEN / Le LIVRE Chez VOUS / Editions COPRUR, STRASBOURG, 2012 - 2015 - 2017

          _ArtBlason_GJ.ART_12. Naissance Blason, Croisades_pages_80-81 _ArtBlason_GJ.ART_29. Nostradamus

          - pages 80 - 81 / pages 106 - 107 - Editions Du QUOTIDIEN / Le LIVRE Chez VOUS / Editions COPRUR, STRASBOURG, 2012 - 2015 - 2017

    Grzegorz Jakubowski. Genealogie Grzegorz Jakubowski Topor _ vert GJ_wanted

    Danuta Karol Maciej Grzegorz Marcin Bartosz Jakubowski_crop _Karol Jakubowski_1989 battle dress _Grzegorz_battle dress GJ_JBJ_Pulawy Grzegorz_Bartosz Jakubowski_na_koniach GJ_JKJ_Alps_1

    GJ. ART Exhibitions Author / Dzialalnosc Kulturalna GJ ART Curator UP PAGE UP PAGE

        Grzegorz JAKUBOWSKI is the grand-son of Anna born DMOCHOWSKA and of Jan Maria BARTHEL de WEYDENTHAL, landowner in western Poland

        Jan was active and appreciated int the landowners organisations in the region of his property in Badkowo, Kujawy and also as an administrator in Kurland (Lettony)
        - Warklany / the domain of the Borch (von der), Sanguszko and Sapieha Polish-Lithuanian families /

        Member of the nonpartisan BBWR organisation and the Zwiazek Ziemian Polskich /Union of Polish Landowners/
        Studied Agriculture at the SGGW in Warsaw

        During the WW II, following his ethos of Polish patriotic and human duty - he REFUSED to sign the German VOLKSLISTE
        in the annexed by the German Reich in 1939 Polish area, as the Reichsgau Wartheland

        He did so, notwithstanding the obvious germanic background of his family Barthel von Weidenthal
        Which caused his arrestation, his internment in the Nazi Concentration Camp in the KL DACHAU near Munich,
        and finally his death in the KZ Mauthausen-Gusen Nazi Camp in Austria, the "Vernichtungslager fur de polnische Intelligenz", on July. 17. 1941

        His wife Anna Barthel de Weydenthal with their five children, was left over by the Germans with no home or means
        They were hosted in her brother's Jerzy Dmochowski Jeleniec mansion, then by their another brother, Stanislaw Dmochowski, in Blonie near Warsaw, until the end of the WW II
        During the War Danuta's Barthel sister Elzbieta was sent to forced labour to Germany, another sister Aniela was imprisoned, two cousins Janusz and Marian Barthel de Weydenthal, both in the AK resistance - were killed
        most of the family members were active in the Polish anti-Nazi resistance the HOME ARMY ARMIA KRAJOWA AK

        After the War the Polish Communists did not let them to return to their home in Badkowo, nor returned their property,
        and the whole family was left with no means of subsistence ...

      JadwigaBdeW JerzyBdeW MariaBdeW



        Aldona & Tadeusz JAKUBOWSKI & Dora

        • Grzegorz JAKUBOWSKI is the grand-son of Aldona born ZAJICEK and of Tadeusz Zdzislaw JAKUBOWSKI

          / aka. "Zdzislaw Topor Kasperski" / , the dipl. Lt. Colonel of the POLISH ARMY,

          until 1947, when he returned to Poland after the WW II 1939-1945

        • Aldona & Tadeusz both were originated from Wadowice

        • Tadeusz Jakubowski - was a Scout in Wadowice & a member of the Sokol Polish paramilitary groups before the WW I, later in the POLISH LEGIONS of the Commander Jozef PILSUDSKI, during the War
          il the 3. pulk Infantry in the Karpacka Brygada

          He took part in the WARS of 1914-1918 /the WW I/, - after actions in Bessarabia in Russian captivity / in Buzuluk witnessed a/o. Bolshevic Revolution of 1917, the Russian Civil War, creation of the Polish Army Corps, etc, served as teacher in a scholl for Polish children, ... /,

          the 1920-1921 /the Polish-Soviet War/ et got highest Polish military decortations for bravery
          He has graduated from the Higher School of War of the General Military Staff in Warsaw /1930-32/ and attended the Middle East Tactical School /1941-42/ of the Allies, in Egypt.

          Fighted in the WW II /1939-1945/, in September 1939 after German Nazi invasion of Poland in the Armia "Karpaty", wounded in action in Sambor 11.09.1939

          Escaped from the surrounded Lviv, and with ither military crossed the Hungarian border, where he was interned. Escaped in 1941 as "Zdzislaw Topor Kasperski" , and passed later through Jugoslavia, Greece, Turkey, Cyprus - to join the POLISH ARMY in Haifa in the British Controlled Palestine
          The 2nd POLISH CORPS PSZ of the General Wladyslaw ANDERS of the Polish Armed Forces, under the ALLIES command from 12.06.1941

          Commander of the : 8 Rifle Bataillon of the motored Infantry "Topor", in the 3 Carpathian Rifle Division, of the general Stanislaw Kopanski, in Alexandria, Aden, Iraq, until 13.VII.1942 - when the whole 3-rd Division was administratively dismantled, on 11.XI.1942

          In the Commission of Studies of the Base of 2nd POLISH CORPS PSZ in the West, he made a research, among others of the Operation Region of the Battle of the Monte Cassino

          He served in the Middle East / Persia-Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Egypt, including the commandmend of ship transportation of the troops in Egipt, Aden and Iraq/,
          in Italy / Campain in the North Apennines, Bologna, Lombardy, Bari, Senio River / and in the United Kingdom

          After his unfruitfull efforts to get his wife and sons out of Poland to Italy, partly due to the imprisonement in 1946 of both of his sons:
          - Karol aka "Macko" in the Polish Resistance HOME ARMYARMIA KRAJOWA and Zdzislaw aka AK "Leszko",
          in 1947 he was discharged and decided to return from England, to his family in Cracow
          Where the Polish communists did not let him to continue his military career ...
          His only fault was to fight for the free Poland under the Allies command, in the frame of the POLISH UNDERGROUND STATE

          In the Occupied Poland, Aldona Jakubowska was active in the relief activities in Przemysl. Later she moved to Cracow, where she lived with her sons, her mother, two sisters and their daughters. In 1943 she was imprisoned by the Gestapo in the Montelupich-Helclow Prison with her sisters Alicja and Zofia, and 2 daughters of the later: Tomira and Teresa. Her brother Tadeusz Zajicek died in the KL Dachau in 1942
          Two cousins from Cracow of Karol and Zdzislaw Jakubowski were imprisoned in the Montelupich Prison, and later died in the Konzentrazionslager KL Auschwitz in the General Governement, created by the Nazi German Reich

            Both, Aldona and Tadeusz Jakubowski were guides in mountain, cycle and ski tourism PTTK, organisers, tenismen, amateur artists painters, polyglots, Art, architecture, culture and nature lovers, as well as, in different degrees - of multilingual and Polish literature, music, choir singing, the Tatras & Carpathes people etnography, ...

            Tadeusz Jakubowski was also a passionate hunter and a sailor in the Polish Army & the PZZ, active in the Liga Morska & Kolonialna - for promotion of the "Polish Baltic sea"
            - in Cracow, after his return from the captivity in Russia during the WWI, he also studied at the Philosophical Department of the Jagellonian University, mathematics et physics, between 1919 and 1921

            Aldona Zajicek studied Law at the Jagellonian University in Cracow

        pplk dypl Tadeusz Jakubowski, Karol Tadeusz Jakubowski, Zdzislaw Maciej Jakubowski GJ GJ Aldona Jakubowska 1938

        HERALDIQUE, Editions Hachette Collections, PARIS, Genealogie Facile, texte : Philippe Lamarque - lt.colonel Tadeusz Zdzislaw Jakubowski HERALDIQUE, Editions Hachette Collections, PARIS, Genealogie Facile, texte : Philippe Lamarque - Arms TOPOR STARZA by Gregor Jakubowski
        GJ. ART - arms TOPOR-STARZA family
        Arlberg, St. Christopher Brotherhood, 1415
        Topor Arlsberg Brotherhood Topor_TadJ
        GJ. ART - Hachette Collections, Paris: Genealogie Facile, Heraldique

        TZ_J_Legionista TZ_J_Pilsudski TZ_J_Odyseja TAKZ_J_meble

        TAKZ_J_3 TAKZ_J_4 TAKZ_J_5 pplk dypl Tadeusz Jakubowski

        Grands manoeuvres of the Polish Army in Volynia (Wolyn) in 1938
        pplk dypl Tadeusz Jakubowski presents the defense activity of the Infantry 38 p.p. s. before the Attache Militaires of :
        - Germany, Italy, Soviet Russia, France, Japan, Anglia, Austria, Czech Republic, Romania, ...



        W_walce_o_Wolnosc TadJ_rozkaz_8Bat_S.K._15.09.1942

        The 2nd POLISH CORPS PSZ (Polskich Sil Zbrojnych) of the General Wladyslaw ANDERS of the ALLIED Polish Armed Forces
        - Tadeusz Jakubowski, pplk dypl. in the Brygada "Karpacka"

      • Tad_Legionisci_Polscy_Pilsudski_2 Tad_portret_z_szabla

    Aldona & Karol & Zdzislaw Jakubowski Tadeusz & Karol Jakubowski TAKZ_J_11

      TAKZ_J_7 TAKZ_J_9 TAKZ_J_10 TAKZ_J_8

                  HUBERTUS in Grodno - gen. Franciszek Kleeberg _______ pplk dypl. Tadeusz Jakubowski ______ Karol Jakubowski
              Tadeusz Jakubowski_gen. Kleeberg

        TAKZ_J_12_sygnety, obraczki UP PAGE

        • Karol JAKUBOWSKI gory Topor GJ

            • Grzegorz Jakubowski is the son of Karol Tadeusz JAKUBOWSKI

            • - Architect - ancien student of the Fine Art Academy ASP in Cracow and of
              the Cracow Polytechnic Politechnika Krakowska PK

            • - / at first he was not admitted, although he has passed the admission concours,
              for lack of common people background and his apparteneance in the non-Communist anti Nazi resistance AK /

            • Taternik - "Pokutnik", Alpinist Instructor KW, member of the GOPR Tatra Mountain Rescue Team
            • / he was in the international team in the famous rescue action on Eiger north face in 1957 and several times in the TATRA moutains /
            • He took part in climbing alpine tours in TATRAS, RILA-Bulgaria, CAUCASUS, ALPS Bernese Oberland, HINDU KUSH - Afganistan, IRAN, ...

            • Ancien anti-Nazi Resistant in the Polish HOME ARMY ARMIA KRAJOWA aka "MACKO", also "Zaremba" and "Topor",
              he was in the Gray-Ranks "Szare Szeregi-Zawisza" ZHP Scouts in Krakow
            • in the AK-NOW the OP AK "Szczerbiec", and in the AK "Zelbet" detachments
              Karol Jakubowski was imprisoned by the Communists in Krakow's Montelupich Prison in 1946, on delation ...
              Together with his brother Zdzislaw, for illegal possession of arms from their activities in the Polish anti Nazi Resistance
            • He was an active organisert in the "Senior" Mountaineerig Klub Wysokogorski PZA, and in the ancient Combattants mouvements

            • Author of several monuments, bas-reliefs, banners and commemorative plates related to the Resistance during the WW II - as an artist and architect

          Danuta_Grzegorz_Chari Pawli_Ewy_obrazy

              • Grzegorz Jakubowski is the son of Danuta JAKUBOWSKA, born Barthel de Weydenthal

              • Architect on Historic Monuments in the Miejskie Biuro Projektow MBP in Cracow
                - and in the Pracownie Konserwacji Zabytkow PKZ in Cracow
                - studies of Architecture at the Cracow Polytechnical School PK
              • / at first she was not admitted, although he has passed the admission concours,
                for lack of common people background in the communist Poland /

              • the post graduate Podyplomowe studia konserwatorskie at the Warsaw Polytechnical School PW

                - in 1980-1981, and during the political changements in Poland 1989
                - member of the NSZZ "Solidarity" mouvement union, in the PKZ

                - ancien Taternik KKW in Cracow

            Grzegorz Jakubowski is the nephew of: Elzbieta "Zunia" , Aniela "Nela", Krzysztofa "Krzysia" & Jan Zygmunt "Zych" de Weydenthal

          Danuta_Grzegorz_Chabrands Jan de Weydenthal PR - RWE

        JAN & EWA & NICK DE WEYDENTHAL NELA - Polska, Francja, Godla i Znaki - Grzegorz Jakubowski, WSPONOTA POLSKA, WARSZAWA, 1995 afisz Warszawa 1995

    • Eiger_CH_1 -Eiger_po-akcji-ratunkowej-1957

    • Karol%20Jakubowski%201_resize Karol Jakubowski, Taternik 2/3/2011, Barbara Morawska-Nowak Karol Jakubowski, Taternik 2/3/2011, Barbara Morawska-Nowak Karol Jakubowski, Taternik 2/3/2011, Barbara Morawska-Nowak

    Pedigree_Offrande_V_11 A&Chap_GJ_liny2 A&Chap_GJ_liny3 Apotropaiques_II 2

  • Karol_Grzegorz_2012_Art Niepolomice_2000

    ____ paintings 2012 at home .... ___________________________________________________________________________ Niepolomice Royal Castle


          Dobczyce_KBK Dobczyce_KBK

          ___ Dobczyce, Zamek Krolewski _______________ AK - NOW OP. "Szczerbiec"

      • Krakow_Wigilia_1 Krakow_Wigilia_2 _ Christmas, Cracow

    atelier_1 Irena_Maja_G_2015 atelier_ogrod

    ___ Saint-Lucien, 2015

  • Saint-Auvent

    Danuta_Karol_Grzegorz_photo_2011 Karol_Grzegorz_Dluga_2012 Karol_Grzegorz_Dluga_2012

      • Saint-Auvent

      • pplk dypl Tadeusz Jakubowski, Karol Jakubowski, Zdzislaw Jakubowski Karol Jakubowski, Glos Seniora 8/2011, Jozef Nyka Karol Jakubowski, Glos Seniora 8/2011, Jozef Nyka

        Danuta & Karol JAKUBOWSKI
        - autorzy ilustracji podrecznika "TATERNICTWO" Taternictwo Danuta & Karol Jakubowski
        Danuta Jakubowska

        Karol Jakubowski, Taternik 2/3/2011, Barbara Morawska-Nowak Karol Jakubowski, Taternik 2/3/2011, Barbara Morawska-Nowak Karol Jakubowski, Taternik 2/3/2011, Barbara Morawska-Nowak Karol Jakubowski, Taternik 2/3/2011, Barbara Morawska-Nowak

        - Komin Pokutnikow - Tatry Wysokie - Komin Pokutnikow - Tatry, Buczynowa Straznica

        Aldona Zajicek Jakubowska & Dora, Luck, Wolyn Morskie Oko 191, Franciszka Jakubowska - Tadeusz

        Florentyna Mularska 3 Florentyna Mularska 1 Cannes - Aldona Zajicek, Florentyna Mularska Cannes - Franciszek Pius Radziwill + Zofia nee Wodzicka, aka Lisowska

        ___________________________________________________________________________________ Schloss Vottau / Bitov _____________ Cannes : Aldona Zajicek, Florentyna Mularska - Zofia Radziwill nee Wodzicka, aka Lisowska + Franciszek Pius Radziwill

        • GJ_Arsenal_Krakow_2008 Muzeum Czartoryskich, 2015 GJ_Arsenal_Krakow_2008 Tad Jakubowski do GJ

          CRACOW, CZARTORYSKI Museum - ARSENAL _________________________ ROUEN, NORMANDY



            4_MUZEUM AK, KRAKOW MUZEUM AK, KRAKOW - spis photo GJ. KJ_MUZEUM AK, KRAKOW, 1990


            TJ_lac TJ_Legiony ATKZJ_PKP


            ____________________________________ Fowling Piece Shotgun Krupp & Pith Helmet of pplk. dypl Tadeusz Jakubowski, gift Gregor Jakubowski

            ATJ_Huberus TJ_wilk

            TJ_ski ATKZJ_dziadkowie TJ_Junak


            Pomnik Szare Szeregi ZHP _1 Pomnik Szare Szeregi ZHP _2 Pomnik Szare Szeregi ZHP _3 Pomnik Szare Szeregi ZHP _4

            _____________ MONUMENT : Szare Szeregi ZHP - Scout Resistance group "Alicja", CRACOW, © Karol Jakubowski "Macko" : Art



    Zdzislaw Jakubowski, Glos Seniora, Jozef Nyka ZJ_2014_wspomnienie_Glos_Seniora Zdzislaw Jakubowski, Glos Seniora, Jozef Nyka_ZJ_instruktor_Jozef_Nyka_fot

        Zdzislaw Jakubowski, Glos Seniora, ZJ_UIAA_Jozef_Nyka_fot Zdzislaw Jakubowski, Glos Seniora, Jozef Nyka_ZJ_1985-2014_GJ

        Tadeusz, Zdzislaw, Karol Jakubowscy - zdjecie 'hultajskie' Tadeusz, Zdzislaw, Karol Jakubowscy - zdjecie zeglarskie'
        - zdjecie " hultajskie ", Cetniewo, Polski Baltyk -

            zejscie w zimie

            " ... bien que moi, je n'etais pas grimpeur, j'avais a escalader souvent d'autres pentes raides.

            Alors que mon Pere, et mon Oncle, tous les deux ont ete des vrais alpinistes experimentes
            et tous les deux sont alles haut a l'epoque ... "


            " ... chociaz ja sam nie bylem alpinista, to musialem sie czesto wspinac po innych, stromych urwiskach.

            Za to moj Ojciec i moj Stryj, obaj byli prawdziwymi, doswiadczonymi taternikami i alpinistami
            i obaj zaszli wysoko w swoim czasie ... "

            GJ. - de la lettre a Guy Lecomte / Editions du Gui

        Taternik_Zdzich_BM-N + Przyjaciel Zdzislaw_Jakubowski_2013_chyba

    Miegusz_Tatry Wysokie Taternik_Zdzich_KJ


      _ La Plagne

          - ALPES - La Plagne - Aiguilles Rouges / TATRA MOUNTAINS - Mieguszowiecki Szczyt -

      Grzegorz Jakubowski Aiguilles Rouges

    Muzeum_AK_5 Zdzislaw_Jakubowski_2013_chyba_

      Grzegorz Jakubowski _ Chabrands atelier_Bonaparte_AKJ + WKKW Krakow

      - ALPS - La Plagne - Pra Loup - Chamonix ________________________________________________________________________ PARIS - rue Bonaparte

          Maintenon, Espace Culturelle Maintenon, Espace Culturelle Maintenon, Espace Culturelle

          VIDEO ____ GJ. Art : ABSTRACT EMOTIONS & OTHER _____ GJ. Art : HORSES _____________ GJ. Art : EXHIBITION -

          Maintenon, Espace Culturelle Maintenon, Espace Culturelle Maintenon, Espace Culturelle Maintenon, Espace Culturelle


            Dla POKOJU, a przeciwko wszelakim wrogosciom,

            Grzegorz JAKUBOWSKI, artysta polsko-francuski

            wystawia podczas Wielkiego weekendu dla pokoju, od 5 do 11 maja 2016

            - na merostwie Dancourt (dept. Eure et Loire) – prace zainspirowana Okropnosciami wojny Goyi

            - oraz na zamku w NOGENT-le-ROI - swoje 22 obrazy o tematyce konskiej – dla WOLNOSCI, oraz dla niezaleznosci ducha 

            Nogent-le-Roi_Grand-W-E_pour_la_Paix Nogent-le-Roi_Grand-W-E_pour_la_Paix

            Nogent-le-Roi_Grand-W-E_pour_la_Paix Nogent-le-Roi_Grand-W-E_pour_la_Paix Nogent-le-Roi_Grand-W-E_pour_la_Paix

            Nogent-le-Roi_Grand-W-E_pour_la_Paix - Nogent-le-Roi

        Maintenon, Saint-Valentin

        " People, Just Cool Out ...
        ... Who's Fighting and WHAT FOR ? WHY ARE WE FIGHTING ? ... " ----------------------------------------------- GJ. - MAINTENANT / Fr. = AT PRESENT / Eng. -

        - Mick Jagger in Altamont, CA - Gimmie Shelter -

              Ochs 3900m Kleines Fiescherhorn

                - Ochs / Kleines Fiescherhorn / - ALPY - Val Thorens - Tignes - La Plagne -
                Grzegorz Jakubowski

                Grzegorz Jakubowski _ Rouge
                Grzegorz Jakubowski _Tignes

            Grzegorz Jakubowski _La Plagne_


    Gregor Jakubowski_Alps Gregor Jakubowski_Alps_GJ_ski

      Bartosz & Kasper Jakubowski Deauville Gregor Jakubowski_Alps Ochs_Alps_Bernese Oberland

      __ Deauville, NORMANDY & ALPS : Chamonix - Ochs - Argentiere -

      Grzegorz Jakubowski - Alps Chamonix Alps Glacier Argentiere




    afisz Warszawa 1995

    WYSTAWA we WSPOLNOCIE POLSKIEJ w Warszawie, Krakowie & Pultusku
    - / STOWARZYSZENIE Polonijne, podlegajace SENATOWI RP /


    - Galerie de l'Association COMMMUNAUTE POLONAISE, VARSOVIE

    Otwarcie Wystawy przez Marszalka Senatu SENATU RP Andrzeja STELMACHOWSKIEGO

    afisz Warszawa 1995

    GJ_Wwa_1995 Wwa 1995

    Wwa 1995 Gregor Jakubowski - Wspolnota Polska, Warszawa, 1995

      Centrum WSPOLNOTY POLSKIEJ, ulica Grodzka / Rynek Glowny

    GJ_Krakow_1994 Krakows, Wspolnota, piwnica

    E & G B_Dom_Polonii_Krakow_1994 GJ_Terres de l'Est, Paris, 1995



      GJ. we FRANCUSKIM SENACIE, PARYZ, Salle Rene Coty - w 2004


      Visions I Senat_Paris Senat_Paris_Grzegorz_Kasper_Jakubowski

      Senat_Paris_ VISIONS_Gregor_Jakubowski Senat_Paris_Grzegorz_Bartosz_Jakubowski

    "BESTIARIUSZ : LUDZKI i HERALDYCZNY. Grzegorz Jakubowski Malarstwo & Rysunek"

    GJ_New York_1997 GJ_New York_1997 GJ_New York_1997

    GJ_New York_1997 GJ_New York_1997

    GJ_New York_1997 GJ_New York_1997


    MUSEUM EXHIBITIONS : Musee Antoine Bourdelle Paris, 1996 Biegas w domu w Paryzu

    Authors :
    - Ewa BOBROWSKA-JAKUBOWSKI - Member of the SHLP (THL) from 1990

    - Grzegorz JAKUBOWSKI-BARTHEL de WEYDENTHAL - Member of the SHLP (THL) from 1990

    MUSEUM EXHIBITIONS : Boleslas Biegas Museum in 1997, Bibliotheque Polonaise de Paris GJ, Biblioteka Polska w Paryzu

    - Gazeta Antykwaryczna GA, Krakow, X 2004
    - authors : Ewa Bobrowska-Jakubowski & Grzegorz Jakubowski-Barthel de Weydenthal

    Skarby kultury polskiej ze zbiorow Biblioteki Polskiej w Paryzu, Gazeta Antykwaryczna, Krakow, X 2004 Skarby kultury polskiej ze zbiorow Biblioteki Polskiej w Paryzu, Gazeta Antykwaryczna, Krakow, X 2004 Skarby kultury polskiej ze zbiorow Biblioteki Polskiej w Paryzu, Gazeta Antykwaryczna, Krakow, X 2004 Skarby kultury polskiej ze zbiorow Biblioteki Polskiej w Paryzu, Gazeta Antykwaryczna, Krakow, X 2004 Skarby kultury polskiej ze zbiorow Biblioteki Polskiej w Paryzu, Gazeta Antykwaryczna, Krakow, X 2004

    Biblioteka Jagiellonska 2004 Biblioteka Jagiellonska 2004

    Les auteurs, Ewa Bobrowska-Jakubowski, historien de l'art, psychologue,
    - ancien chef des collections artistiques de la Societe Historique et Litteraire Polonaise a la Bibliotheque Polonaise de Paris,
    - membre de la SHLP,
    Grzegorz Jakubowski-B. de Weydenthal, artiste peintre, restaurateur de tableaux, heraldiste, bibliophile, amateur de l'art eclaire,
    - ayant fait 5 ans d'etudes d'Architecture a la Polytechnique de Cracovie, PK
    - ancien representant en France du Musee Polonais a Rapperswil en Suisse
    - membre de la SHLP

    Ils vivent et travaillent en France depuis le debut des annees 1980
    - depuis 1981 pour Gregor JAKUBOWSKI, qui a fait venir en France Ewa BOBROWSKA, en 1984

    Tres actifs dans le domaine culturel, pendant plusieurs annees ils ont participe, comme auteurs, organisateurs ou collaborateurs,
    dans plus de vingt expositions au sujet "polonais", aussi bien historiques, qu'artistiques.

    Tous les deux, ils ont eu l'occasion de collaborer avec differents partenaires : institutions francaises, dont les musees,
    services culturels des mairies, des collectionneurs particuliers, des institutions et musees polonais,
    des representations officielles polonaises en France.
    Comme l'Institut Polonais a Paris, le Centre Scientifique de l'Academie Polonaise des Sciences,
    le Centre de ela Civilisation Polonaise a la Sorbonne, et les institutions de l'emigration polonaise
    - dont en particulier la Societe Historique et Litteraire Polonaise a la Bibliotheque Polonaise de Paris

    visit of Danuta Walesa & Iwona Bielecka, Bibliotheque Polonaise de Paris, Grzegorz Jakubowski visit of Danuta Walesa & Iwona Bielecka, Bibliotheque Polonaise de Paris, Grzegorz Jakubowski Visit of POLAND PRESIDENT's and PRIME MINISTER's
    spouses Danuta WALESA & Iwona BIELECKA
    in the Bibliotheque Polonaise de Paris

    visit of Danuta Walesa & Iwona Bielecka, Bibliotheque Polonaise de Paris, Grzegorz Jakubowski

    visit of Lech Walesa , Bibliotheque Polonaise de Paris Paris, Monument solidarnosc

    visit of Lech Walesa , Bibliotheque Polonaise de Paris, Bartosz Jakubowski Bartosz & Jakubowski, Pomnik Solidarnosc, Paryz GJ ART Exhibition, WASHINGTON, DC, 2000 Lion Heraldique. 100x50 Aiglel Blanc 100x50 dyptyk



      - Fr. " De LA-BAS et d'ICI: POLOGNE " - Gregor & Ewa, Bartosz & Kasper JAKUBOWSKI Family in PARIS

      - Eng. " FROM THERE and FROM HERE : POLAND " - TV5, France, 2002

      - Pl. " Z TAMTEJ i Z TEJ STRONY : POLSKA " - francuski film dokumentalny, TV 5, 2002

      Bartosz & Kasper Jakubowski Ewa, Grzegorz, Bartosz, Kasper Jakubowski Grzegorz Jakubowski ART


      - MUSEE BOLESLAS BIEGAS in the BPP - SHLP, Paris - see pdf: APRIL-MAY, 2001

      Gregor Jakubowski in 2001 Ewa & Grzegorz_Jakubowski

          " De LA-BAS et d'ICI: POLOGNE " - Gregor & Ewa, Bartosz & Kasper JAKUBOWSKI Family in PARIS

          Notes sur Premier entretien avec la famille 18/12/01

          Sa vie :

          Ils ont tous les deux fait leurs etudes en Pologne dans la region de Cracovie.
          Lui est venu en France dans les annees 81, sous le statue de refugie politique. Il a aujourd'hui 44 ans et vit de ses toiles en France.
          Elle, est arrivee en France en 84 pour le rejoindre. Elle a 43 ans et vient de passer un these d'histoire de l'art Polonais a la Sorbonne. Elle est aussi chef de la collection des artistes Polonais a la Bibliotheque Polonaise de Paris sur l'Ile St Louis.

          Ils ont eu deux garcons en France, l'un de 3 ans et l'autre de 10 ans (avoir leurs prenoms ainsi que les votres). Ils parlent en polonais a la maison, et lorsqu ils cotoient des Polonais ici ou la-bas. Les deux enfants vont respectivement a la maternelle et a l'cole primaire. Ce ne sont pas des ecoles Polonaises malheureusement, car ils sont trop loin de celles qui existent pour pouvoir y emmener leurs enfants pour l'instant.

          C'est pour eux un moyen interessant pour y apprendre un peu plus la culture de leur pays par des cours orientes sur l'histoire, la geographie et la litterature Polonaise. Depuis qu'il est en primaire l'enfant de 10 ans maitrise mieux l'orthographe et la angue francaise que le Polonais. C'est pour cette raison que sa mere faute d'ecole proche lui a enseigne l'criture Polonaise. Il a souhaite lui-meme traduire pour une femme francaise qui est proche de la famille, un ouvrage sur Napoleon ecrit par un Polonais, exemplaire visiblement precieux aux yeux de cette femme agee. Cette entreprise est en cours actuellement. Les deux freres communiquent en Polonais, mais sont entoures de copains des toutes les origines. Ils vivent d'ailleurs dans le quartier chinois de Paris avenue d'Italie 75013.

          D'ailleurs ils se sentent etrangers partout, ici comme la-bas, etant donnes les changements radicaux du developpement de l'economie Polonaise aujourd'hui. La-bas tout est pareil dans les grandes villes du Casto au "toys 'r'us"..

          En ce qui concerne sa grossesse en France, les differences furent plutot positives. Si elle avait accouche en Pologne, elle aurait eteen salle commune aussi bien pour l'hospitalisation, que pour l'accouchement a 4 ou 5 femmes dans le meme bloc. Difference majeure l'absence de peridural possible. Question hospitalisation, interdiction pour le pere d'assister a l'accouchement et de voir son enfant avant la sortie. Question coutume, pendant la grossesse, il ne faut pas regarder un handicape, sous peine de perturber la grossesse. Mot d'ordre en Pologne, manger pour deux. Ici on surveille son poids. A la naissance on surprotege l'enfant contre le froid, de facon totalement disproportionnce par rapport a la France. Les biberons doivent etre tres chaud, ici il ne vaut mieux pas. Question premiere superstition, l'enfant doit porter pendant les premiers mois un element rouge dans sa tenue pour conjurer le mauvais sort.

          Question famille polonaise, il s'agit d'une structure paternaliste, le pere la dirige (grandes decisions) et la femme gere le fonctionnement.

          Une fois que le Polonaise devient mere, elle perd sa feminite et se prepare petit a devenir grand mere, une vraie institution (babouchka). La grande mere ayant le role supreme de l'education de 2 generations, celle de ses enfants et de leurs enfants. C'est elle qui les garde le plus souvent lorsqu'ils sont petit car la mere travaille.
          La famille: enfant/parent/grand-parent vivant generalement ensemble. Le plus souvent les familles urbaines vivent en immeuble. La vie sociale y est tres intense, on ne previent jamais son voisin que l'on vient le voir. On y va ¦.. Ainsi les enfants se cotoient comme dans une cour de recreation au pied des batiments. Ils ont des horaires scolaires qui leur permettent de jouer longtemps ensemble (ecole de 7h a 15h sans interruption). A 15h00 c'est dâ'ailleurs le repas principal pour toutes les familles Polonaises. Le diner tres leger appele plutot souper, est a 20h00.

          Deux grande fetes dans l'annee, Noel et Paques. (Pour Noel voir description de Marc, mais un detail est a rajouter par la famille en question. Ils se rappellent que l'on achetait des carpes au moins trois semaines avant Noel, pour etre sur d'en avoir pour le repas de Noel (penurie du systeme communiste oblige). Il fallait alors les conserver vivantes dans la baignoire pendant cette periode. Aujourd'hui on en trouve la-bas a tout moment comme ici.

          Ils sont catholiques, elle pratique moins que la-bas, et lui defend plutot l'atheisme d'adoption. Le garcon de 10 ans vient d'avoir sa premiere communion (photos et films dispos). Il est scolarise dans une ecole privee catholique.

          Contrairement a la coutume , leur structure familiale ici n'ai pas comme celle de leurs parents notamment depuis qu'ils vivent en France. On partage les responsabilites.

          Ils trouvent que l'enfant en France est traite de facon plus adulte, et que l'apprentissage a l'ecole est plus serieux. Il en resulte des enfants plus independants , pas forcement dans le bon sens du terme. En Pologne, la solidarite est bcq plus forte et precoce entre enfants, ainsi que face au professeur. Ici chacun travail pour soi.

          Pour les enfants comme les leurs, une chose formidable dans le fait d'avoir 2 langues , c'est l'ouverture sur la notion d'ailleurs. Il possede cette connaissance tres tot. Ils ont l'esprit plus ouvert sur le monde.

          Un des grand manque, la presence des grand parents. Actuellement ils comptent depuis un mois les jours qui les separent de leurs vacances de Noel la-bas . Pour paque on decore des oeufs avec du jus de legume la-bas (ici avec de la gouache), preparation longue et familiale avant Paque, que l'on se casse sur la tete le jour dit. (Ils n'en connaissent pas la signification profonde. Seule son origine religieuse est certaine)

          Ils ont ete filmes par TVP (television Polonaise sur Internet et satellite) en 2001 pour un documentaire ayant pour sujet leurs visions de Paris en temps que Polonais emigres. On y voit parait-il une sequence avec leurs enfants lors d'une ballade dans Paris ouą ils expliquent a ceux ci la presence d'une statue de Bourdelle representant un grand poete Polonais dans le 16eme arrondissement.

          Ce genre de sorties est frequent dans cette famille, ou les enfants ont ete des leur plus jeune age en relation avec l'art aux vernissages de leur pere.
          A ce propos, l'enfant de 10 ans semble vouloir opter pour une future vie professionnelle beaucoup plus stable que celle d'artiste. Le petit de 3 ans semble a leurs yeux plus sensible que son frere au meme age. Que deviendra-t'il ?

          On va effectivement demander a cette famille de filmer leur Noel en Pologne (moments clefs) , avec un regard axe sur leurs enfants (retrouvaille avec les grand-parent, soir de Noel, messe de Noel, evenements en rapport avec des traditions locales. , ainsi qu'un petit itv de la Babouchka sur son role de grand mere particuliere puisque loin du pays ou vivent ses petits enfants. Elle pourra aussi apporter un temoignage sur des traditions oublies par sa fille, et sur l'evolution de celles ci dans la Pologne moderne. Ils me feront quelques images de leurs enfants jouant avec leurs copains Polonais


      Bartosz & Kasper Jakubowski_Alps Grzegorz & Bartosz & Kasper Jakubowski Ewa Bobrowska-Jakubowska & Bartosz Jakubowski

      Bartosz & Kasper Jakubowski_Alps Grzegorz & Bartosz & Kasper Jakubowski Bartosz & Kasper Jakubowski_Alps

      La Colombiere, 1999 Ewa & Grzegorz Jakubowski Grzegorz & Kasper Jakubowski, La Colombiere, 1999 Grzegorz & Bartosz Jakubowski, La Colombiere, 1998

      ArsHer_GJ_LP_AM_E_B ArsH_Bobr_GJ

      Ewa & Gregor Jakubowski _Ile de Re Ewa & Grzegorz Jakubowski + Jan Olbrycht_Lyons la Foret Grzegorz & Bartosz & Kasper Jakubowski_chateau de Malbrouck


    • Film dokumentalny biograficzny []

    • Grzegorz Jakubowski studiowal w Krakowie architekture, ale zawsze chcial byc artysta.

      W 1981 roku, podrozujac autostopem po Europie dotarl do Paryza. To miasto zafrapowalo go, wchlonelo. Zapragnal w nim zyc.
      Nie wrocil do Polski.

      Choc nie znal francuskiego, przystapil do egzaminu w prestizowej Akademii Sztuk Pieknych i zostal przyjety. Ukonczyl studia.

      Dzis jest znanym i uznanym malarzem.
      Ma za soba wiele wystaw zbiorowych i indywidualnych. Eksponowal swoje prace w wielu krajach europejskich (takze w Polsce)
      i w Stanach Zjednoczonych.
      Zajmuje sie tez konserwacja dziel sztuki i - jesli trzeba - dziennikarstwem.

      W 1984 roku Grzegorz Jakubowski ozenil sie z Ewa. Ona takze przyjechala do Paryza z Krakowa i rowniez nie znala francuskiego, a w kazdym razie nie mowila w tym jezyku. Z wyksztalcenia byla psychologiem, lecz zaczela studiowac historie sztuki w Instytucie Sztuki.
      Dzis pisze doktorat, w ktorym podjela probe opisu dzialalnosci polskich artystow we Francji.

      Jakubowscy wielokrotnie zmieniali paryski adres. Dzis, z synami Bartoszem i Kasprem, mieszkaja w XIII dzielnicy.
      Ulozyli sobie zycie, wrosli w nowe miejsce i nie mysla o powrocie do ojczyzny, zwlaszcza ze Paryz frapuje ich i przyciaga z nieodmienna, magnetyczna sila.
      Zreszta po 1989 roku, ktory przyniosl Polsce radykalne zmiany, Krakow przyblizyl sie do nich tak bardzo, Ze juz nie czuja sie emigrantami: moga przekraczac granice, kiedy zechca.

      Bohaterowie filmu opowiadaja o swoich drogach po stolicy Francji, pracy, rozlicznych zajeciach, paryskich polonicach i swoich zwiazkach z nimi.

      Kamera towarzyszy im podczas pleneru, do udzialu w ktorym Jakubowski zostal zaproszony, i w wedrowkach po miescie.
      Zaglada do ich mieszkania, pelniacego rowniez funkcje pracowni artysty.

  • Luneville_2008_GJ E_G_odpowiedz_2013


    Dluga Rynek Glowny z Ojcem _ 2010 Swieta Pawli_Ewa_Maslowska_Grzegorz_Jakubowski


    YIN & YANG_Ewa Maslowska & Grzegorz Jakubowski, Pawlikowice 2008 YIN & YANG_Ewa_Maslowska_Grzegorz_Jakubowski Planty z Ojcem _ 2010 Swieta


    Exhibition of ART of Ewa MASLOWSKA & Gregor JAKUBOWSKI, New Century Artists, NEW YORK, Chelsea, 2009


    * YIN & YANG





  • YIN & YANG, Ewa MASLOWSKA & Gregor JAKUBOWSKI, oil paintings September 29 to October 10, 2009 YIN & YANG, Ewa MASLOWSKA & Gregor JAKUBOWSKI, oil paintings September 29 to October 10, 2009 COMMISSIONS Gregor Jakubowski

    UPDATE of the PROFESSIONAL Website - FINE ART for BUILDING, OFFICE, HOME - created by Gregor Jakubowski in 2010


    YIN&YANG_Ewa_Maslowska_Grzegorz_Jakubowski YIN&YANG_Ewa Maslowska & Grzegorz Jakubowski, New York 2009 YIN&YANG_Ewa_Maslowska_Grzegorz_Jakubowski


    EXHIBITION: Exhibition of ART of Ewa MASLOWSKA & Gregor JAKUBOWSKI, New Century Artists, NEW YORK, Chelsea, 2009

  • VIDEO INTERVIEWS / in Polish : USA, 2009

    ART of EMOTIONALISM Ewa Maslowska - Ewa Zeller - Grzegorz Jakubowski SKULSKI Art Gallery, CLARK, NJ, USA October 16, 2009 ART of EMOTIONALISM Ewa Maslowska - Ewa Zeller - Grzegorz Jakubowski SKULSKI Art Gallery, CLARK, NJ, USA October 16, 2009 ART of EMOTIONALISM Ewa Maslowska - Ewa Zeller - Grzegorz Jakubowski SKULSKI Art Gallery, CLARK, NJ, USA October 16, 2009 ART of EMOTIONALISM Ewa Maslowska - Ewa Zeller - Grzegorz Jakubowski SKULSKI Art Gallery, CLARK, NJ, USA October 16, 2009 ART of EMOTIONALISM Ewa Maslowska - Ewa Zeller - Grzegorz Jakubowski SKULSKI Art Gallery, CLARK, NJ, USA October 16, 2009

    transcription & traduction en FRANCAIS: Ewa BOBROWSKA / Jakubowski /

    Nine Worthies II

    Lady_Godiva du Guesclin

    Topor - Starza

    Gregor Jakubowskim paravent Les Neuf Preux Gregor JAKUBOWSKI, Les Combats Gregor JAKUBOWSKI, Les Combats

    "BESTIARIUSZ : LUDZKI i HERALDYCZNY. Grzegorz Jakubowski Malarstwo & Rysunek"

    GJ_New York_1997 GJ_New York_1997 GJ_New York_1997

      GJ_New York_1997 GJ_New York_1997

      GJ_New York_1997 GJ_New York_1997



         GJ. Paryskie Chimery - afisz GJ. + AJ Osso

        - was invited to this EXHIBITION in the <"">Zaklad Narodowy imienia OSSOLINSKICH ZNiO, WROCLAW

        GJ. Osso otwarcie Osso GJ. Paryskie Chimery

        the Opening of the Exhibition was Curated by Malgorzata ORZEL, and opened by the Director of the OSSOLINEUM Adolf JUZWENKO

        <"">Zaklad Narodowy imienia Ossolinskich ZNiO, OSSOLINEUM, WROCLAW, 1998 - wystawa obrazow Grzegorza JAKUBOWSKIEGO - " PARYSKIE CHIMERY "
        Institution Nationale Ossolineum, WROCLAW, Pologne, 1998

          Conference Permanente des Musees, Archives et Bibliotheques Polonaises a l'Occident Conference Permanente des Musees, Archives et Bibliotheques Polonaises a l'Occident

          <"">Zaklad Narodowy imienia Ossolinskich ZNiO, OSSOLINEUM, WROCLAW, 1997 - wystawa obrazow Grzegorza JAKUBOWSKIEGO
          Institution Nationale Ossolineum, WROCLAW, Pologne, 1997

          GJ. Art : REFUGE, mixed media

          GJ_Krakow_1994 Zaklad Narodowy imienia Ossolinskich, Wroclaw

          - " RENCONTRES II ", oil/canvas, 150x150 cm, 1990, Collection : <"">Zaklad Narodowy imienia Ossolinskich ZNiO - xx. Lubomirski Museum in Wroclaw, Poland

          26 Doroczna Sesja Stalej Konferencji Polskich Bibliotek, Archiwow i Muzeow na Zachodzie - / STALA KONFERENCJA (MABPZ) /
          BIBLIOTEKA JAGIELLONSKA w Krakowie , wrzesien 2004
          - WYSTAWA PANELOWA towarzyszaca Sesji wystawa o dzialalnosci polonijnej i o ekspozycjach sztuki Grzegorza JAKUBOWSKIEGO

          - /eng./ panel exhibition about organising and artistic activity of Gregor JAKUBOWSKI

        Conference Permanente des Musees, Archives et Bibliotheques Polonaises a l'Occident Conference Permanente des Musees, Archives et Bibliotheques Polonaises a l'Occident

        Conference Permanente des Musees, Archives et Bibliotheques Polonaises a l'Occident Conference Permanente des Musees, Archives et Bibliotheques Polonaises a l'Occident Conference Permanente des Musees, Archives et Bibliotheques Polonaises a l'Occident Conference Permanente des Musees, Archives et Bibliotheques Polonaises a l'Occident

        Conference Permanente des Musees, Archives et Bibliotheques Polonaises a l'Occident Orzel Bialy, Wystawa: -Orly Nasze-, Biblioteka Jagiellonska, Krakow, 1995 Orzel Bialy, Wystawa: -Orly Nasze-, Biblioteka Jagiellonska, Krakow, 1995

        "ORZEL BIALY - 700 lat - ORLY NASZE" - Wystawa Biblioteka Jagiellonska / Polskie Towarzystwo Heraldyczne, KRAKOW, 1995 ________ "ARS HERALDICA", Dom Polonii, Wspolnota Polska, KRAKOW, 1995
                          Wystawy :
                          - " ORZEL BIALY - 700 Lat " - BIBLIOTEKA JAGIELLONSKA w KRAKOWIE, 1995
                          - " ARS HERALDICA " - WSPOLNOTA POLSKA, KRAKOW, 1995




      RENCONTRE Piotrula Paintings VOYAGEURS Paintings BRANCHES II Painting

      Eve IV

        RENCONTRE / ENCOUNTER / oil, canvas, private collection MASS, USA - VOYAGEURS oil, canvas, private collection FRANCE - BRANCHES II oil, canvas - EVE II_ oil, canvas

    GJ_paravent_Jeanne Licorne Paravent, 3 x 150x75 cm Combats IV Paravent

    _______________ Jehanne paravent ___ Licorne paravent ___ Combats IV paravent

    Gregor JAKUBOWSKI, Les Neuf Preux
    Gregor JAKUBOWSKI, Les Combats

      COMBATS Paintings DEEPNESS III Painting

      DEEPNESS Painting INSPIRATIONS Painting

        - COMBATS oil, canvas - DEEPNESS oil, canvas - DEEPNESS III oil, canvas - INSPIRATIONS oil, canvas


        Restoration of Paintings Restoration of Paintings

        _______________________________________________________________ Travel Exhibition REBUS, European Heritage / Patrimoine / Dziedzictwo :
        Bruxelles, Cologne, Dublin, London, Naples, Luxembourg, Bern, Amsterdam, Paris, Pirmasens + Marienthal, Madrid

        Restoration of Paintings Restoration of Paintings

        - GJ. Art _________________________________________________________________________________ Jean Eugene CLARY

        Restoration of Paintings Restoration of Paintings

        - Andre LHOTE, ZAWADO, GJ. Art _____________________________________________________________ Pavillon Pompadour, FONTAINEBLEAU

        Restoration of Paintings Restoration of Paintings

        Saint-Antoine, private collection, Madrid E&G_Malta_1987

        - Saint Antoine ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Palazzo Olivier, Malta

        Restoration of Paintings Restoration of Paintings Restoration of Paintings

        _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Boleslas BIEGAS

        Restoration of Paintings atelier_Bonaparte_dossierA&M

        - Nicolas de LARGILLIERE ____________________________________________ Theatre GAITE LYRIQUE, PARIS

        Serpan 2011 Restoration of Paintings

        - Jaroslav SERPAN __________________________________________________ Va, et desormais ne peche plus -


        Training : ATELIERS SAINT-GERVAIS, PARIS / restoration of paintings, 1982-1986

        Restoration of numerous ORIENTALISTS paintings for the GULF INDUSTRIES, PARIS, 1986/87

        Graphic Designs for the DELOGRAPH, PARIS, 1987- 1989

        Collaboration with entreprise JACQUES MILLANCOURT : restorations & paintings, PARIS, DEAUVILLE, 1987-1993

        ART DEALER and RESTORER in Collaboration with :

          - GALERIE MAREK - Marek Mielniczuk (worked together in PARIS, Chateau de KERGROADES in Bretagne, WARSAW
          - GALERIE DI VEROLI - Massimo Di Veroli, PARIS
          - MATIGNON FINE ART Gallery - Claude Kechichian, PARIS
            The MATIGNON FINE ART GALLERY and Swiss collector Guido Biazzi sent Gregor JAKUBOWSKI to Poland
            to find partners for the promotional work of sculptures and paintings of symbolist artist BOLESLAS BIEGAS
            GJ. took contacts with auction houses AGRA ART, POL SWISS in Warsaw, HETMANSKA Gallery and with the Dom Aukcyjny SZTUKA in Cracow

          - ATELIER UBAC, LAGNY-sur-MARNE, France
          - ATELIER AROME, LAGNY-sur-MARNE, France
          - LE CADRE DE VIE, LAGNY-sur-MARNE, France
          - Janusz Wolanin, WILKES-BARRE, Pennsylwania, USA
          - Pawel Curylo, BIELSKO-BIALA, Poland
          - Adam Harkawy - POLONIA ART Dom Aukcyjny, KATOWICE, Poland
          - GALERIA HETMANSKA : Andrzej Kubica, Marek Partyka, KRAKOW, Poland
          - PARTYKA GALLERY, KRAKOW, Poland
          - LA MARECHALERIE, Mantes-La-Jolie, France : commissions of Old Master's copies for Museums, Hotels and Embassies,
            made for Gregor Jakubowski by Lithuanian, Ukrainian and Polish artists, 1996-2001

          Chimere Chimere Chimere

      atelier_Lagny_16 Serpan 2011

      for the Ecole Nationale Superieure des ARTS & METIERS ENSAM, PARIS, 2002 - 2004

    Restoration of Paintings Restoration of Paintings

      Casino of DEAUVILLE / figures in the 1930's style painting and restoration of other monumental paintings, 1988

      Restoration of Paintings)

      Deauville_ Restoration of Paintings

      Restoration of Paintings Deauville Restoration of Paintings Deauville Restoration of Paintings


    GAITE LYRIQUE Theatre, PARIS / restoration of paintings in a lounge, 1989

    Theatre Gaite Lyrique, Paris

    Theatre Gaite Lyrique, Paris

    Theatre Gaite Lyrique, Paris Theatre Gaite Lyrique, Paris

    Theatre Gaite Lyrique, Paris

      BOURSE de TRAVAIL, PARIS / restoration of wall paintings in the auditorium), 1989

      Bourse de Travail, Paris)

      Bourse de Travail, Paris) Bourse de Travail, Paris)

      Bourse de Travail, Paris

    Leopold GOTTLIEB Painting restored by G.J. Auguste III de Saxe, att.Silvestre Painting restored by G.J. exposition Olga Boznanska (1865-1940), Musee Adam Mickiewicz, Bibliotheque Polonaise de Paris, 1990 Musee Boleslas Biegas, 1994 Gwozdecki-Biegas, Gottlieb, Styka, Hofman-Makowski, Paintings restored by G.J.

    Teofil Kwiatkowski, Painting restored by G.J. Terlikowski Painting restored by G.J. portrait Stefan Zolkiewski, Painting restored by G.J. Pantaleon Szyndler, Painting restored by G.J. Vlastimil Hofman - Makowski, Painting restored by G.J.

    Restoration of Paintings) restoration restoration Restoration of Paintings) Restoration of Paintings)

    Restoration of Paintings) Restoration of Paintings)

    Restoration of Paintings) Restoration of Paintings) Restoration of Paintings)

    Restoration of Paintings) Restoration of Paintings) Restoration of Paintings)

    Gregor Jakubowski: Composition Heraldique : DRAGONS, mixed media, 1995 Gregor Jakubowski: Composition Heraldique : DRAGONS, oil, 1998

    DRAGONS Heraldiques

    pedigree 1995 - 2014

    Gregor Jakubowski, Bachibouzouck, Moisson Gregor Jakubowski on Bachibouzouck Gregor Jakubowski, Don Quichotte Gregor Jakubowski, Bachibouzouck, Moisson Gregor Jakubowski, Don Quichotte

    G.Jakubowski on BACHIBOUZOUCK Revue d'ART et de LANGUE GJ Moisson GJ Don Quichotte GJ Refuge

      Gregor Jakubowski, Clark, NJ Art of Emotionalism Clark, NJ Art of Emotionalism Clark, NJ

    • " ART of EMOTIONALISM " - YIN & YANG : Ewa Maslowska & Grzegorz Jakubowski SKULSKI ART GALLERY, CLARK, NEW JERSEY, USA, October 16, 2009

      " JAKUBOWSKI painting & drawing " SKULSKI ART GALLERY, CLARK, NEW JERSEY, USA, April 7 - May 5, 2000

      Gregor Jakubowski, Clark, NJ 2000 Gregor Jakubowski, Clark, NJ 2000

      Gregor Jakubowski, Clark, NJ 2000

      Gregor Jakubowski, Clark, NJ 2000

        Chapelle Saint-Jean, Saumur, 1999 Chapelle Saint-Jean, Saumur, 2000 Monument, Saumur Les NEUF PREUX, Langeais 2003 Chapelle Saint-Jean, Saumur, 2002

        GJ_paravent_Jeanne GJ_paravent_III GJ_paravent_Combats

        GJ. ARTICLES on ART

        GJ ARTICLES : The Anjou Dynasty in the Fontevraud Abbey

        The ANJOU Dynasty
        - in the Fontevraud Abbey

        CHANTILLY Domain - Prix de Diane

        GJ ARTICLES : Kwiatkowski_Yates GJ ARTICLES : Kwiatkowski_Yates GJ ARTICLES : Kwiatkowski_Yates

        GJ ARTICLES : Kwiatkowski_Yates GJ ARTICLES : Kwiatkowski_Yates GJ ARTICLES : Kwiatkowski_Yates

        GJ ARTICLES : Kwiatkowski_Yates GJ ARTICLES : Kwiatkowski_Yates GJ ARTICLES : Kwiatkowski_Yates

        The Broken COLLECTION in the USA
        - / artworks of Teofil Kwiatkowski /

        Chosen ARTICLES on ART of Gregor JAKUBOWSKI from 1995 to 2002, published in Polish magazines
        Wybrane ARTYKULY o SZTUCE Grzegorza JAKUBOWSKIEGO z lat 1995 do 2002,
        publikowane w KRAKOWIE, PARYZU, WARSZAWIE i w NOWYM YORKU.

        • Artur SZYK - One Man Army Against Hitler Artur SZYK - One Man Army Against Hitler Artur SZYK - One Man Army Against Hitler
          Artur SZYK - "Jednoosobowa armia", walczaca pedzlem i piórem
          (Arthur SZYK - the ,,ONE MAN ARMY", fighting with pen and ink)
          Art & Business, Warsaw, October 2002

            Arthur SZYK argued that the arts - it is not an end but a means.
            Back in 1934 during a visit to the U.S., he said:
            "The artist, especially a Jewish artist, can not remain neutral to the important topics today.
            He can not hide behind the still-lifes, abstractions and experiments.
            Our life is involved in a terrible tragedy, and I decided to serve his people with all my skill, talent and knowledge. "

          Arthur SZYK was extremely opposed to Nazi rule, and spoke out against Hitler and his dislike for years before the war.
          Due to the dangers of criticizing Hitler, Szyk moved to England, where he was also censored to keep from offending Germany.
          Once the war began, however, things changed, and now his anti-Nazi work was in high demand.

          Eleanor Roosevelt called Szyk a "one-man army against Hitler''.

          His life: Arthur Szyk was born in 1894 in Lodz, then part of the former Russian Empire. At 15, his father sent him to Paris to study art.
          In 1912-1914 the Polish satirical magazine printed in its socio-critical cartoons.
          He continued his studies in Cracow, and in 1914 went to a student trip to Palestine. Probably, this trip had a great influence on the national
          and cultural identity and to reflect on the Jewish state. Jewish stories and themes are constantly in his work.

          During the First World War and was drafted into the Russian army. He served in the German front, and participated in the Battle of Lodz.
          In the 1919-1920-ies, during the Polish-Soviet War, Szyk was already on the other side : Poland.
          He was the artistic director of the Propaganda Department of the Polish Army in Lodz in the war against the Soviet Union.

          In 1921, Szyk returned to Paris and for several years, illustrates the French book.
          While many of his fellow artists worked in the style of cubism, surrealism and abstract art, preferring classic chic graphic art.

          His work is reminiscent of medieval miniatures and graphic Renaissance: historical stories, complex composition, attention to detail, dynamic plastic figures,
          careful work with color and its use of symbolic features enable to focus on the essentials.

          Szyk did the illustrations for historical documents (such as the Covenant of the League of Nations) and the old books that were often associated with Jewish history.
          He participated in exhibitions in Europe and the USA.

          In 1937, Szyk moved to London. A year later, when the Second World War, its political figures published in the London weekly newspaper.
          Here opens its second exhibition (and soon a third), and later his work shown at an exhibition in the United States.

          In 1940 he immigrated first to Canada and then in the U.S.
          In 1943 his mother was killed.
          First she had to go into the ghetto in Lodz, and from there, probably in a concentration camp.
          "Perhaps" - because the date and circumstances of her death remained unknown.

          In the U.S. cartoons Szyk gain enormous popularity. They regularly appear on the covers of leading U.S. magazines («Collier's» and «Time»).
          Szyk was a staff member «New York Post», and during the war, participated in more than 25 exhibitions.

          Later yaers: In 1948, the artist takes an American citizen.
          It covers the declaration and the state of Israel continues to engage in political subjects, in particular, discrimination against black people of America.

          In 1951, the Commission on Un-American Activities launched an investigation into the Szyk: his consistent struggle against fascism
          seemed a manifestation of communist ideas.
          Szyk has denied any involvement in the Communist organization, and a few months later he died of a heart attack.
          It turns out that even his death has continued illustrated on of the cruel and unjust turns in history.

      • Aukcja kolekcji Andrzeja Ciechanowieckiego (The auction of Andrew Ciechanowiecki's collection),
        Gazeta Antykwaryczna, Cracow, nr 10(79) October 2002, (together with Ewa Bobrowska-Jakubowska)

      • Sprzedaz kolekcji Rubinsteinów (Sale of the Rubinstein's collection), Gazeta Antykwaryczna, Cracow, nr 10(79)/ October 2002, (with EB-J)

      • Polityka i sztuka w tworczosci Artura Szyka (Politics and art in the creation of Arthur Szyk),
        Gazeta Antykwaryczna, Cracow, nr 6(75)/ June 2002, (with EB-J)

      • Miedzy Barcelona a Paryzem (Between Barcelona and Paris), Gazeta Antykwaryczna, Cracow, nr 4(73)/ April 2002, (TH, with EB-J)

      • Srodowisko artystow polskich we Francji. Rozprawa doktorska Ewy Bobrowskiej-Jakubowskiej
        (The milieu of Polish artists in France. PhD dissertation of Ewa Bobrowska-Jakubowska),
        Gazeta Antykwaryczna, Cracow, nr 3(72)/ March 2002, (TH, with EB-J)

      • Hold europejskiej potedze Andegawenow
        (Tribute to the European might of the Anjou dynasty), Przeglad Polski, Nowy Dziennik, New York, October 5, 2001

      • Dynastia Andegawenow w Opactwie Fontevraud
        (Anjou dynasty in the Fontevraud Abbey), Gazeta Antykwaryczna, Cracow, nr 10/2001

      • Cheval - Emotion, Gazeta Antykwaryczna, Cracow, nr 10/2001

      • Wystawa Cheval - Emotion w Tarbes (Exhibition Cheval-Emotion in Tarbes),
        Przeglad Polski, Nowy Dziennik, New York, September 21, 2001

      • Wystawy Bronislawa Krzysztofa w Paryzu, Gazeta Antykwaryczna, Cracow, nr 9/2001 (with EB-J)

      • Ambasada Rzeczpospolitej w Paryzu (The Polish Embassy in Paris),
        Przeglad Polski, Nowy Dziennik, New York, May 25, 2001 (with EB-J)

      • Autour des associations artistiques polonaises en France.
        Wokól polskich stowarzyszen artystycznych we Francji. Sesja-wystawa-koncert,
        Centrum Naukowe PAN w Paryzu, May 30-June 3, 1996
        , Ikonotheka, Warsaw University,
        nr 14, 2000, dated May 2000 (with EB-J)

      • Denise Wrotnowska - wspomnienie (Denise Wrotnowska - souvenir), Biuletyn Historii Sztuki, IS PAN, Warsaw, nr 3-4, 2001 (with EB-J)

      • Koniec wieku na paryskich aukcjach antyków (Fin-de-Siecle on the Parisian auctions),
        Gazeta Antykwaryczna, Cracow, nr 6(63), June 2001 (with Ewa Bobrowska-Jakubowska)

      • Polska kolekcja z Seattle (Polish collection from Seattle), Gazeta Antykwaryczna, Cracow, n° 5(62), May 2001 (with EB-J)

      • Ecole de Paris, Gazeta Antykwaryczna, Cracow, n° 4(61), April 2001 (with EB-J)

      • Niedokonczona kolekcja obrazów Teofila Kwiatkowskiego
        (Unfinished collection Teofil Kwiatkowski`s paintings by Charles and Anya Yates), Przeglad Polski,
        New York, March 23, 2001 (with EB-J)

      • Przerwana kolekcja (A broken collection of Charles and Anya Yates), Gazeta Antykwaryczna, Cracow, n° 3(60), March 2001 (with EB-J)

      • Hôtel de Monaco (Polish Embassy in Paris), Gazeta Antykwaryczna, Cracow, n° 1(58), January 2001 (with EB-J)

      • Artur Szyk - jednoosobowa armia zbrojna piórkiem i pedzlem
        (Artur Szyk - one-man army with pen and brush), Przeglad Polski, Nowy Dziennik, New York, February 16, 2001(with EB-J)

      • Denise Wrotnowska, Glos Katolicki, Paris, nr 45, December 17, 2000 (with EB-J)

      • Sztuka i humanizm - Artysta iluminator Artur Szyk. Na marginesie wystawy w Bibliotece Kongresu w Waszyngtonie
        (Art and humanism - artist-illuminator Artur Szyk. On the occasion of the exhibition in the Library of Congress in Washington D.C.)
        Gazeta Antykwaryczna nr 7-8 2000, Cracow (with EB-J)

      • Wystawa 1900 w Grand Palais w Paryzu (Exhibition 1900 in the Grand Palais in Paris), Gazeta Antykwaryczna, Cracow, nr 5, May 2000 (with EB-J)

      • Wystawa Jacka Malczewskiego w Paryzu (Exhibition of Jacek Malczewski in Paris), Gazeta Antykwaryczna, Cracow, nr 4, April 2000 (with EB-J)

      • Polski Barok w USA, czyli pod znakiem husarii. Wedrujac po Polsce i USA
        (Polish Baroque in the USA or under the sign of Husaria. Wandering through Poland and the USA), Glos Katolicki, Paris, nr 24, 27/06/99 (with EB-J)

      • Konie i jezdzcy w Muzeum Polskim w Rapperswilu (Horses and riders in the Polish Museum in Rapperswil, Switzerland),
        Gazeta Antykwaryczna, Cracow, May 1999, nr 5 (with EB-J)

      • Sztuka heraldyczna w starym i nowym wydaniu w Saumur nad Loara (Heraldic art in the old and new way in Saumur on the Loire),
        Gazeta Antykwaryczna, Cracow, May 1999, nr 5 (with EB-J)

      • Herby i konie w Saumur, Glos Katolicki, Paris, 1-8.08/99 (opr.TH, with EB-J)

      • Herby i konie w Saumur (Coats of arms and horses in Saumur), Kon Polski, Warsaw, 8/99 (Teofil Hoffman, with EB-J)

      • Uskrzydleni jezdzcy ukazuja Amerykanom miniona potege Rzeczpospolitej - wystawa o sztuce w Polsce okresu baroku 1572-1764,
        Muzealnictwo, nr 41, Ministerstwo Kultury i Sztuki, Warsaw 1999 (with EB-J)

      • Uskrzydleni jezdzcy ukazuja Amerykanom miniona potege Rzeczpospolitej - wystawa o sztuce w Polsce okresu baroku 1572-1764
        (Winged riders show to Americans the past glory of the Polish-Lituanian Commonwealth - exhibition on art in Poland during the baroque period),
        Gazeta Antykwaryczna, Cracow, May 1999, nr 5 (with EB-J)

      • Polski sezon, Polemiki (Polish sezon in Paris. Polemics), Glos Katolicki, Paris, 21.02/99 (TH, with EB-J)

      • W kraju Asterixa (In the country of Asterix), Art & Business, Warsaw, nr 6/1998 (with EB-J)

      • Polskie imprezy kulturalno-artystyczne w centralnej Francji (Polish cultural and artistic events in central France),
        Biuletyn Stowarzyszenia Wspolnota Polska, Warsaw, nr 3, March 1998 (TH, with EB-J)

      • Polski grudzien w Perigueux (Polish week in Perigueux), Glos Katolicki, Paris, nr 7; 15.02.98 (T.H., with EB-J)

      • Kilka uwag na temat popularyzacji polskiej sztuki we Francji. Uwagi na marginesie 10 lat doswiadczen
        (Some remarks on the popularisation of Polish art in France. On the margin of ten years of experience)
        Muzealnictwo Nr 40, Ministerstwo Kultury i Sztuki, Warsaw 1998 (with EB-J)

      • Dwie wystawy poswiecone polskim artystom w Paryzu (Two exhibitions on Polish art in Paris),
        Biuletyn Stowarzyszenia Wspólnota Polska, Warsaw, nr 3 (57), March 1997(with EB-J)

      • Polski Paryz artystyczny. Côté cour - côté jardin (Polish art in Paris. From the courtyard and from the garden side),
        Art & Business, Warsaw, nr 12/1996 (with EB-J)

      • Spotkanie Stalej Konferencji Muzeow, Archiwow i Bibliotek Polskich na Zachodzie
        (The meeting of the Permanent Conference of Polish Museums, Archives and Libraries in the West),
        Biuletyn Stowarzyszenia Wspolnota Polska, Warsaw, nr 10 (52), October 1996

      • Wokol polskich Stowarzyszen Artystycznych we Francji. Sympozjum-Wystawa-Koncert
        (Around Polish artistic associations in France. Seminary-exhibition-Concert),
        Biuletyn Stowarzyszenia Wspolnota Polska, Warsaw, nr 8-9 (50-51), August-September 1996 (with EB-J)

      • Polska swietuje rocznice swojego Godla Narodowego (Poland feasts the anniversary of its National Emblem),
        Biuletyn Stowarzyszenia Wspolnota Polska, Warszaw, nr 5(47), May 1996 (with EB-J)

      • Uniwersytet letni Wspolnoty francusko-polskiej (Summer University of the French-Polish community),
        Biuletyn Stowarzyszenia Wspólnota Polska Warsaw, nr 12 (42), December 1995

      • Orzel Bialy - obchody 700-lecia godla polskiego (White Eagle - events related to the 700 years of the Polish emblem),
        Glos Katolicki, Paris, nr 38, 5.11.1995 (with Ewa Bobrowska-Jakubowska)

        atelier_Lagny_9 atelier_Lagny_3

        Launay givre 30.12.2016

        Launay 06.10.2016

      • TV 5 - FR PAINTINGS Gregor Jakubowski - Neuf Preux - Chateau de Langeais PAINTINGS Gregor Jakubowski - Neuf Preux - Chateau de Langeais PAINTINGS by Gregor Jakubowski - NAPOLEON
        Yin & Yang Chateau de Bauge - Manoir de Launay TV POLONIA, 2001



        Grzegorz_Jakubowski_1988 Grzegorz_Jakubowski_2002 Grzegorz_Jakubowski_2014


      Grzegorz Jakubowski. Genealogie Grzegorz Jakubowski Topor _ vert GJ_wanted

    GJ. ART Exhibitions Author / Dzialalnosc Kulturalna GJ ART VIDEOS UP PAGE UP PAGE

    Launay_GJ_2019 Launay_GJ_2019

    Launay_GJ_2019 Launay_GJ_2019 Launay_GJ_2019