WRITINGS on ART - EDEN Paintings Cycle, Grzegorz Jakubowski

LISTED G.J. PUBLICATIONS &  Eden cycle paintings


      EDEN cycle paintings

                                      END of EDEN oil, 116x73 cm (47" x 29")
                                      private collection in SWITZERLAND, another versions in LONDON & FRANCE

EVE, oil 116x73 cm EVE II, oil 116x73 cm Serenite II, oil 116x73 cm

EVE, oil 116x73 cm Fin de l`Eden II, oil 116x73 cm TOGETHER, oil 116x73 cm

Chosen ARTICLES on ART of Gregor JAKUBOWSKI from 1995 to 2002

published in Polish magazines

Wybrane ARTYKULY o SZTUCE Grzegorza JAKUBOWSKIEGO z lat 1995 do 2002


  • Artur SZYK - One Man Army Against Hitler Artur SZYK - One Man Army Against Hitler Artur SZYK - One Man Army Against Hitler

    • Artur Szyk - jednoosobowa armia zbrojna piorkiem i pedzlem
      /Artur Szyk - one-man army with pen and brush/, Przeglad Polski, Nowy Dziennik, New York, February 16, 2001/with EB-J/

      Artur SZYK - "Jednoosobowa armia", walczaca pedzlem i piorem
      /Arthur SZYK - the ,,ONE MAN ARMY", fighting with pen and ink/,
      Art & Business, Warsaw, October 2002

    • Sztuka i humanizm - Artysta iluminator Artur Szyk. Na marginesie wystawy w Bibliotece Kongresu w Waszyngtonie
      /Art and humanism - artist-illuminator Artur Szyk. On the occasion of the exhibition in the Library of Congress in Washington DC/

      Gazeta Antykwaryczna nr 7-8 2000, Cracow /with EB-J/

    • Polityka i sztuka w tworczosci Artura Szyka /Politics and art in the creation of Arthur Szyk/
      Gazeta Antykwaryczna, Cracow, nr 6(75)/ June 2002 /with EB-J/

        Arthur SZYK argued that the arts - it is not an end but a means
        Back in 1934 during a visit to the U.S., he said:
        "The artist, especially a Jewish artist, can not remain neutral to the important topics today.
        He can not hide behind the still-lifes, abstractions and experiments.
        Our life is involved in a terrible tragedy, and I decided to serve his people with all my skill, talent and knowledge"

      Arthur SZYK was extremely opposed to Nazi rule, and spoke out against Hitler and his dislike for years before the war
      Due to the dangers of criticizing Hitler, Szyk moved to England, where he was also censored to keep from offending Germany
      Once the war began, however, things changed, and now his anti-Nazi work was in high demand

      USA First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt called Szyk a "one-man army against Hitler''

      His life: Arthur Szyk was born in 1894 in Lodz, then part of the former Russian Empire
      At 15, his father sent him to Paris to study art
      In 1912-1914 the Polish satirical magazine printed in its socio-critical cartoons
      He continued his studies in Cracow, and in 1914 went to a student trip to Palestine
      Probably, this trip had a great influence on the national
      and cultural identity and to reflect on the Jewish state
      Jewish stories and themes are constantly in his work

      During the First World War and was drafted into the Russian army. He served in the German front,
      and participated in the Battle of Lodz
      In the 1919-1920-ies, during the Polish-Soviet War, Szyk was already on the other side : Poland
      He was the artistic director of the Propaganda Department of the Polish Army in Lodz
      during the war against the Soviet Union

      In 1921, Szyk returned to Paris and for several years, illustrates the French book
      While many of his fellow artists worked in the style of cubism, surrealism and abstract art, preferring classic chic graphic art

      His work is reminiscent of medieval miniatures and graphic Renaissance: historical stories,
      complex composition, attention to detail, dynamic plastic figures,
      careful work with color and its use of symbolic features enable to focus on the essentials

      Szyk did the illustrations for historical documents (such as the Covenant of the League of Nations)
      and the old books that were often associated with Jewish history
      He participated in exhibitions in Europe and the USA

      In 1937, Szyk moved to London.
      A year later, when the Second World War, its political figures published in the London weekly newspaper
      Here opens its second exhibition (and soon a third), and later his work shown at an exhibition in the United States

      In 1940 he immigrated first to Canada and then in the U.S.
      In 1943 his mother was killed
      First she had to go into the ghetto in Lodz, and from there, probably in a concentration camp
      "Perhaps" - because the date and circumstances of her death remained unknown

      In the U.S. cartoons Szyk gain enormous popularity.
      They regularly appear on the covers of leading U.S. magazines /"Collier's" and "Time"/
      Szyk was a staff member «New York Post», and during the war, participated in more than 25 exhibitions

      Later yaers: In 1948, the artist takes an American citizen
      It covers the declaration and the state of Israel continues to engage in political subjects, in particular,
      discrimination against black people of America

      In 1951, the Commission on Un-American Activities launched an investigation into the Szyk:
      his consistent struggle against fascism seemed a manifestation of communist ideas
      Szyk has denied any involvement in the Communist organization, and a few months later he died of a heart attack
      It turns out that even his death has continued illustrated on of the cruel and unjust turns in history

    Chosen ARTICLES on ART of Gregor JAKUBOWSKI from 1995 to 2002

    published in Polish magazines

    Wybrane ARTYKULY o SZTUCE Grzegorza JAKUBOWSKIEGO z lat 1995 do 2002


  • Aukcja kolekcji Andrzeja Ciechanowieckiego /The auction of Andrew Ciechanowiecki's collection/
    Gazeta Antykwaryczna, Cracow, nr 10(79) October 2002 /together with Ewa Bobrowska-Jakubowska/

  • Sprzedaz kolekcji Rubinsteinow /Public sale of the Rubinstein's collection/, Gazeta Antykwaryczna, Cracow, nr 10(79)/ October 2002 /with EB-J/

  • Polityka i sztuka w tworczosci Artura Szyka /Politics and art in the creation of Arthur Szyk/
    Gazeta Antykwaryczna, Cracow, nr 6(75)/ June 2002 /with EB-J/

  • Miedzy Barcelona a Paryzem (Between Barcelona and Paris), Gazeta Antykwaryczna, Cracow, nr 4(73)/ April 2002 /TH, with EB-J/

  • Srodowisko artystow polskich we Francji. Rozprawa doktorska Ewy Bobrowskiej-Jakubowskiej
    /The milieu of Polish artists in France. PhD dissertation of Ewa Bobrowska-Jakubowska/
    Gazeta Antykwaryczna, Cracow, nr 3(72)/ March 2002 /TH, with EB-J/

  • Hold europejskiej potedze Andegawenow
    /Tribute to the European might of the Anjou dynasty/, Przeglad Polski, Nowy Dziennik, New York, October 5, 2001

  • Dynastia Andegawenow w Opactwie Fontevraud
    /Anjou dynasty in the Fontevraud Abbey/, Gazeta Antykwaryczna, Cracow, nr 10/2001

  • Cheval - Emotion, Gazeta Antykwaryczna, Cracow, nr 10/2001

  • Wystawa Cheval - Emotion w Tarbes /Exhibition Cheval-Emotion in Tarbes/
    Przeglad Polski, Nowy Dziennik, New York, September 21, 2001

  • Wystawy Bronislawa Krzysztofa w Paryzu, Gazeta Antykwaryczna, Cracow, nr 9/2001 /with EB-J/

  • Ambasada Rzeczpospolitej w Paryzu /The Polish Embassy in Paris/
    Przeglad Polski, Nowy Dziennik, New York, May 25, 2001 /with EB-J/

  • Autour des associations artistiques polonaises en France
    Wokol polskich stowarzyszen artystycznych we Francji. Sesja-wystawa-koncert
    Centrum Naukowe PAN w Paryzu, May 30-June 3, 1996

    Ikonotheka, Warsaw University, nr 14, 2000, dated May 2000 /with EB-J/

  • Denise Wrotnowska - wspomnienie /Denise Wrotnowska - souvenir/, Biuletyn Historii Sztuki, IS PAN, Warsaw, nr 3-4, 2001 /with EB-J/

  • Koniec wieku na paryskich aukcjach antykow /Fin-de-Siecle on the Parisian auctions/
    Gazeta Antykwaryczna, Cracow, nr 6(63), June 2001 /with Ewa Bobrowska-Jakubowska/

  • Polska kolekcja z Seattle /Polish collection from Seattle/, Gazeta Antykwaryczna, Cracow, nr 5(62), May 2001 /with EB-J/

  • Ecole de Paris, Gazeta Antykwaryczna, Cracow, n° 4(61), April 2001/with EB-J/

  • Niedokonczona kolekcja obrazow Teofila Kwiatkowskiego
    /Unfinished collection Teofil Kwiatkowski`s paintings by Charles and Anya Yates/
    Przeglad Polski, New York, March 23, 2001 /with EB-J/

  • Przerwana kolekcja (A broken collection of Charles and Anya Yates)
    Gazeta Antykwaryczna, Cracow, n° 3(60), March 2001/with EB-J/

  • Hotel de Monaco /Polish Embassy in Paris/, Gazeta Antykwaryczna, Cracow, n° 1(58), January 2001/with EB-J/

  • Artur Szyk - jednoosobowa armia zbrojna piorkiem i pedzlem
    /Artur Szyk - one-man army with pen and brush/, Przeglad Polski, Nowy Dziennik, New York, February 16, 2001/with EB-J/

  • Denise Wrotnowska, Glos Katolicki, Paris, nr 45, December 17, 2000 /with EB-J/

  • Sztuka i humanizm - Artysta iluminator Artur Szyk. Na marginesie wystawy w Bibliotece Kongresu w Waszyngtonie
    /Art and humanism - artist-illuminator Artur Szyk. On the occasion of the exhibition in the Library of Congress in Washington DC/

    Gazeta Antykwaryczna nr 7-8 2000, Cracow /with EB-J/

  • Wystawa 1900 w Grand Palais w Paryzu /Exhibition 1900 in the Grand Palais in Paris/, Gazeta Antykwaryczna, Cracow, nr 5, May 2000 /with EB-J/

  • Wystawa Jacka Malczewskiego w Paryzu /Exhibition of Jacek Malczewski in Paris/, Gazeta Antykwaryczna, Cracow, nr 4, April 2000 /with EB-J/

  • Polski Barok w USA, czyli pod znakiem husarii. Wedrujac po Polsce i USA
    /Polish Baroque in the USA or under the sign of Husaria. Wandering through Poland and the USA/, Glos Katolicki, Paris, nr 24, 27/06/99 /with EB-J/

  • Konie i jezdzcy w Muzeum Polskim w Rapperswilu /Horses and riders in the Polish Museum in Rapperswil, Switzerland/
    Gazeta Antykwaryczna, Cracow, May 1999, nr 5 /with EB-J/

  • Sztuka heraldyczna w starym i nowym wydaniu w Saumur nad Loara /Heraldic art in the old and new way in Saumur on the Loire/
    Gazeta Antykwaryczna, Cracow, May 1999, nr 5 /with EB-J/

  • Herby i konie w Saumur, Glos Katolicki, Paris, 1-8.08/99 /opr.TH, with EB-J/

  • Herby i konie w Saumur (Coats of arms and horses in Saumur), Kon Polski, Warsaw, 8/99 /Teofil Hoffman, with EB-J)/

  • Uskrzydleni jezdzcy ukazuja Amerykanom miniona potege Rzeczpospolitej - wystawa o sztuce w Polsce okresu baroku 1572-1764
    Muzealnictwo, nr 41, Ministerstwo Kultury i Sztuki, Warsaw 1999 /with EB-J/

  • Uskrzydleni jezdzcy ukazuja Amerykanom miniona potege Rzeczpospolitej - wystawa o sztuce w Polsce okresu baroku 1572-1764
    /Winged riders show to Americans the past glory of the Polish-Lituanian Commonwealth - exhibition on art in Poland during the baroque period/
    Gazeta Antykwaryczna, Cracow, May 1999, nr 5 /with EB-J/

  • Polski sezon, Polemiki /Polish sezon in Paris. Polemics/, Glos Katolicki, Paris, 21.02.99 /TH, with EB-J/

  • W kraju Asterixa (In the country of Asterix), Art & Business, Warsaw, nr 6/1998 /with EB-J/

  • Polskie imprezy kulturalno-artystyczne w centralnej Francji /Polish cultural and artistic events in central France/
    Biuletyn Stowarzyszenia Wspolnota Polska, Warsaw, nr 3, March 1998 /TH, with EB-J)/

  • Polski grudzien w Perigueux (Polish week in Perigueux), Glos Katolicki, Paris, nr 7; 15.02.98 /T.H., with EB-J/

  • Kilka uwag na temat popularyzacji polskiej sztuki we Francji. Uwagi na marginesie 10 lat doswiadczen
    (Some remarks on the popularisation of Polish art in France. On the margin of ten years of experience)

    Muzealnictwo Nr 40, Ministerstwo Kultury i Sztuki, Warsaw 1998 /with EB-J/

  • Dwie wystawy poswiecone polskim artystom w Paryzu (Two exhibitions on Polish art in Paris)
    Biuletyn Stowarzyszenia Wspólnota Polska, Warsaw, nr 3 (57), March 1997/with EB-J/

  • Polski Paryz artystyczny. Cote cour - cote jardin /Polish art in Paris. From the courtyard and from the garden side/
    Art & Business, Warsaw, nr 12/1996 /with EB-J/

  • Spotkanie Stalej Konferencji Muzeow, Archiwow i Bibliotek Polskich na Zachodzie
    /The meeting of the Permanent Conference of Polish Museums, Archives and Libraries in the West/
    Biuletyn Stowarzyszenia Wspolnota Polska, Warsaw, nr 10 (52), October 1996

  • Wokol polskich Stowarzyszen Artystycznych we Francji. Sympozjum-Wystawa-Koncert
    /Around Polish artistic associations in France. Seminary-exhibition-Concert/
    Biuletyn Stowarzyszenia Wspolnota Polska, Warsaw, nr 8-9 (50-51), August-September 1996 /with EB-J/

  • Polska swietuje rocznice swojego Godla Narodowego /Poland feasts the anniversary of its National Emblem/
    Biuletyn Stowarzyszenia Wspolnota Polska, Warszaw, nr 5/47, May 1996 /with EB-J/

  • Uniwersytet letni Wspolnoty francusko-polskiej /Summer University of the French-Polish community/
    Biuletyn Stowarzyszenia Wspólnota Polska Warsaw, nr 12 (42), December 1995

  • Orzel Bialy - obchody 700-lecia godla polskiego /White Eagle - events related to the 700 years of the Polish emblem/
    Glos Katolicki, Paris, nr 38, 5.11.1995 /with Ewa Bobrowska-Jakubowska/

  • Next: Organisation of CULTURAL EVENTS, MEMBERSHIPS
    & MIXED MEDIA Paintings